Ch 6 A Name of the New Enemy

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Jaden entered the arena and looked at Akiza and thought 'Akiza what happened to you?' Then the two walked up to one another and both shuffled each others deck. Jaden said "so what happened to you Akiza?" Akiza said "I have no idea what your talking about? This is the first time we have ever met." Jaden said "no we haven't we met at duel academy and we fought the shadow riders together." Akiza said "I have been with Sayer since last year." Jaden looked at her then he saw out of the shadows of one of the exits a man standing and watching him.

Jaden knew that this man had some kind of hold on Akiza and used his powers to change Akiza's memories so that she wouldn't remember him or her friends. Jaden now knew that the only way to get her back was to win and show her how Jaden could duel. Jaden needs his deck to help him out and free Akiza from this bad guys hold over her. Jaden and Akiza got to their ready positions and started their duel disk and said "duel." 

Jaden said "ladies first." Akiza said 'thanks. My turn, I draw. I summon Twilight Rose Knight to the field in attack mode.  (1000atk) Now that I normal summoned him he allows me to summon a level 4 or below plant monster from my hand so I summon Botanical Lion to the field in attack mode. (1600atk) Now his effect is to gain 300 attack for each plant monster on the field. (1900atk) I will play one card face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse Elemental Heroes Sparkman and Clayman to fusion summon Elemental Hero Sunrise to the field in attack mode." (2500atk)

Jaden smiled that he was getting an advantage over her but he saw that she showed no worry in her eyes. Jaden said "because Sunrise was fusion summoned I get to add a Miracle Fusion from my deck to my hand. I now summon Elemental Hero Stratos to the field in attack mode. (1800atk) Now when he is summoned I get to either destroy a spell or trap you control to the number of heroes I control minus Stratos or add a hero to my hand. I will add Elemental Hero Honest Neos to my hand. Also for each element is on the field Sunrise increases the attack by 200 for each attribute on my field. Sunrise (2900atk) Stratos (2200atk)

Most of the crowd was surprised that Jaden had gotten such a lead on Akiza but Jaden knew better then that. Jaden said "now I will attack your knight with Sunrise." Akiza said "I play my face down Urgent Tuning to use my two monsters for a Synchro summon. I tune my level 3 Twilight Rose Knight with my level 4 Botanical Lion.  Chilling flames engulf the entire world. Pitch-dark flower, set to bloom! Synchro summon! Appear now! Black Rose Dragon!" (2400atk)

Jaden then realized that Akiza's plan and didn't think that she would use. Akiza said "I use Black Rose Dragon's ability to destroy all cards on the field." Jaden said " I will play Mirage of Nightmare. I play one card face down and end my turn." Akiza said "my turn, I draw." Jaden said "because of Mirage of Nightmare I get to draw till I have four cards in hand and I have to discard the same amount that I drew. I play my other face down Emergency Provisions to tribute the Mirage of Nightmare to gain 1000 life points." (Jaden's LP 5000)

Akiza said "it makes no difference I play Monster Reborn to bring back Black Rose Dragon to the field in attack mode. (2400atk) I now attack you directly." Jaden waited for it and he was hit by the attack and hit the floor. The arena was mad by this but Akiza seemed to being fueled by the anger and Jaden got up but he didn't want to give up on Akiza. (Jaden's LP 2600) Akiza said "accept your fate Jaden. You can't beat me and I will show the world my organization."

Jaden looked at his hand and said "I will never give up and I will show you that I never give up." Akiza looked at Jaden and saw the fire in his eyes and she ended her turn. Jaden said "My turn, I draw. I play Graceful Charity to draw three cards but I must discard two. One of the cards I sent is Elemental Hero Shadow Mist and when she is sent to the graveyard I get to add one hero monster from my deck to my hand. I chose Vision Hero Faris to my hand."

Jaden looked at the crowd and wanted to talk to Akiza but he needed to win to get that chance. Jaden said "I activate Faris' effect to discard one hero to special summon him in attack mode. (1600atk) Now when he is normal of special summoned I can send a vison hero to my spell and trap card zone. I send Vision hero Increase to the spell and trap zone. Now I use Increase's effect to tribute one hero to special himself to the field to I send Faris to the grave. (900atk) Now Increase's effect allows me to summon a Vision Hero from my deck."

Everyone was interested in these new hero cards Jaden had played. Jaden said "I summon Vision Hero Vyon to the field in attack mode. (1000atk) Vyon's effect allows me to send a hero from my deck to the grave to I send Elemental Hero Necroshade to the graveyard. Now I use Necroshade's effect allowing me to summon a Elemental Hero without a tribute. I summon to the field "Elemental Hero Neos to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) Now I play Monster Reborn to bring back Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird to the field in attack mode." (800atk)

Jaden smiled at this. Jaden said "now I contact fuse my Elemental Hero Neos and my Air Hummingbird to fusion summon Elemental Hero Air Neos to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) Now Air Neos effect allows him to add attack points to the difference of our life points if mine are lower. (3900atk) Now Neos attack Black Rose Dragon. (Akiza's LP 2500) Now Vyon and Increase attack you directly." (Akiza's LP 600) Akiza said "I can still make a comeback." Jaden said "there will not be a comeback. I play the quick play card Mask Change to send Vision Hero Increase to the graveyard to fusion summon Mask Hero Dark Law in attack mode. (2400atk)

Akiza was stunned by this and so was the crowd. Jaden said "Dark Law attack her directly." (Akiza's LP 0) The crowd went crazy but a lot of people were booing Akiza and Jaden walked over to her but then a man came out of the tunnel. The man said "you have done enough damage here so go and enjoy your winnings and leave us alone." Akiza said "Slayer he is one of us." Slayer then approached Jaden and gave him a card and said "when you want to join our group give me a call."

Then the two of them left and Jaden was given a standing ovation. Syrus, Chazz, Alexis, and Bastion were out and greeted the winner. Jaden then saw Pegasus and walked over to him. Jaden said "think I found out who the group's leader is and we need to put a stop to them." Pegasus said "I agree but not now you just had a big win so enjoy it." Jaden said "thanks." Jaden joined his party and they had fun. 

Meanwhile in a dark room a man was looking at the tv and saw that Jaden had won. The man laughed and said "it is time for us to make our move." Another man said "we can but lets see if they are good enough to beat us. Maybe use a pawn to fight on our behalf." The other man said "yes that sounds good. But we have one other group that has the same goal as us." The other man said "they will be no problem for us once we take over the world a new era of darkness will spread and the world will bow to the Immortals." Both men laughed and darkness was coming.

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