Ch 2 Meeting a Legend

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The next day everyone got up early and Jaden was looking at the time. Bastion said "Jaden what is going on?" Jaden said "my manager is to stop by soon and he has new cards that he wants me to have." Syrus said "who is your manager?" Jaden said "I will let you guys meet him when he gets here." Chazz looked at Jaden and said "how do you need new cards. You have one of the best decks in the world so you are just adding fuel to the fire." Jaden laughed but understood his frustration.

After an hour or so they then heard a helicopter zooming over the house then it landed and a man with silver hair had gotten out of the helicopter. Everyone but Jaden was stunned to see who had just come to meet with them. It was Maximillion Pegasus and he had a briefcase he was carrying with him. Chazz, Bastion, Syrus, and Alexis' mouths were wide open. Jaden opened the door and Jaden held out his hand to have Pegasus took his and both men looked and smiled at one another. Pegasus looked around and saw the four people looking at the two of them.

Pegasus said "Jaden are these the friends you have been talking about. But there is only four of you I thought there were five of them?" Jaden said "my other friend went to visit her family so I hope that she comes around I hope any day." Pegasus said "well I brought the new cards and I have made sure that you are in the tournament that Kaiba had announced. Also I have been hearing something that only you are need to hear if that would be ok." Then the four left the room and Pegasus looked at Jaden with a serious look on his face.

Pegasus looked to make sure no one could here them. Pegasus said "I heard from the grape vine that a group is gathering people. People that have your kind of powers and want to take over the world. I also heard that this group will be in the tournament as well. So I urge caution when you duel because if they win they will be able to recruit more people to their cause." Jaden said "I get but do they have a name or something?" Pegasus shook his head and said "no I wasn't able to get a name from my sources."

Jaden said "well if they are as powerful as they say they are why hasn't Kaiba done anything about this?" Pegasus said "Kaiba's time for having a say in everything is over. He wants nothing more then to beat Yugi and run his company. Also are you ready to duel Joey Wheeler at the end of the summer?" Jaden said "I am and I will win and I get to duel Kaiba next summer." Pegasus said "also the mayor of Domino city would like to meet you at the tournament his name is Rex Goodwin."

Jaden said "ok when would he like to meet me?" Pegasus said "at the tournament he will be there in his personal box seats that he will be there." Jaden said "ok but is there anything else you can tell me about these people." Pegasus said "I've heard that their leader is a very good duelist so he might be in the tournament. Here Jaden these new card are for you and I hope that you win and prove that the Elemental King is not to be messed with." Jaden and Pegasus smiled and then Pegasus left and Jaden called for the gang to come back.

Jaden said that he got his invite and the tournament would be soon. Bastion said "do you need any help making your deck?" Jaden said "I got it coved and I will show the world that the Elemental King is back and better then ever before." everyone was pumped and the gang asked how Jaden won his first championship. Jaden then took out a DVD and they watched Jaden's first tournament that he won. After a while Jaden was thinking about Akiza and hoped that she is safe from these new enemy.

After watching the duel tournament it was time for dinner. Jaden made his favorite dish, fired shrimp. After dinner ended Jaden walked them all to their rooms and he went to his room as well. Jaden opened the briefcase and looked at the new cards that he had gotten. He saw one card that could be a game changer and then he heard a knock on the door. Jaden walked over and saw that Alexis was in her night gown. Jaden said "what do you need Alexis?" Alexis looked at him and then let her in his room."

Alexis said "I know that not have Akiza here makes wanting to get closer to you seem like cheating her of a fun experience for the both of us." Jaden said "I don't see it as cheating because she is with her family and that I say is important because I barely knew my mother and father." Alexis said "so what happened to your mother and father?" Jaden said "after a duel at the Kaiba dome a man tried to kill me but both my mother and father protected me and the person killed them. Then when he turned the gun on me Yugi showed up and saved me."

Alexis looked at Jaden and he had tears falling down his face. Jaden said "why was he after me? What did I ever do to them. I want my family back. That person took everything from me but then Yugi took care of me and trained me. But not a day goes by that I don't miss my mother and father." Alexis hugged Jaden and said "everything is going to be alright Jaden. What we have to do is use the time that we are given and create a world that is just and right." Jaden smiled and they then went to bed not knowing that an even greater threat was on the move.

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