Childish decoding

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Eli x Aesop

Sequel of "Wrong Drink" and "Sweet Cookie"


It seems that things have taken another unexpected turn.

"Mister Owl..."

It was almost starting to get hilarious after all the ordeals they had been through before. Eli and Aesop were one of the most adorable couples in the manor and everything was going great after they had gone through some ups and downs in their relationship. However, after the seer shared with the priestess that he would have liked to find out a little more about the embalmer's past and what he was like as a child, the young woman decided to make a new concoction.

That's when everything went in the wrong direction once again. Well, the couple was used to it by now but the brunet may not have expected to find himself playing the babysitter...

"What is it Aesop?"

'Mister Owl', a nickname the embalmer had come up with for the seer. However, could he really still be called as such? Indeed, right away, Aesop Carl was not in his normal state, far from it. Who knows what else Fiona Gilman had made him swallow, but the gray-eyed male was now quite... young. Or perhaps the word was weak to say that the young man now had the appearance and mind of a child of less than ten years.

"Is the hunter scary...?"

The hunter... Eli sincerely hoped not. One of the side effects of what Fiona had fed him made him sick for a week, resulting in his inability to participate in matches. Unfortunately, now that he was finally healthy, he had just been asked to participate in a match that he could not withdraw from. But could he really participate in the state he was in?

At the moment, the boy was just a child who knew nothing of the world or embalming.

"I don't know, but I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you!"

The boy's eyes crinkled slightly at this statement as he made his way to the waiting room holding the seer's hand. As he entered the room, he instinctively lowered his gaze as he felt two pairs of eyes on him. Eli reassured him by stroking the top of his head with his free hand before leading him to the long table and helping him to sit down next to him.

Aesop could hear the barmaid's squeal of excitement and the cowboy's light laughter from right next to the brunet. The four of them waited like this for a while before everything went black. When Eli opened his eyes, he immediately recognized the hospital. He looked around and saw the figure of the hunter, an elegant posture and long hair, the Geisha. However, he then saw that the woman began to spin on herself.

He sighed with relief when he saw that the geisha had decided to play it friendly this time. Michiko was probably one of the friendliest hunters of all and it was nothing new for her to prefer to have fun with the survivors rather than chase them. Who knows, maybe she had been charmed by the embalmer's youthful appearance. Finally, Eli hurriedly finished his cipher and started running to another one, hoping to run into Aesop.

He received a signal from the barmaid and the cowboy that they had already finished their machine on their side and were now with the hunter. Eli went upstairs to the building to check on the machine there and smiled when he saw an ashy haircut. The boy was standing on his make-up box because he was too small to reach the keys and was trying his best to decode with his delicate fingers.

However, he missed a calibration and was electrocuted by the machine. The backlash surprised him slightly and he tipped backwards, ready to fall. However, the seer was faster and ran to him, catching him just in time between his two arms, the boy's head against his chest.

"Be careful."


Eli chuckled before helping him reposition himself on his box and then starting to decode with him. They quickly finished the cipher as a pair and there was only one left now, with Kevin and Demi on the last one with Michiko.

"Should we join them?"

The young embalmer nodded quietly and picked up his box, placing it against his chest and clutching his hand tight to the diviner's robe. Eli smiled, his cheeks slightly red, God, how could such an adorable creature exist. He didn't wear a mask because they were too big for his delicate face, leaving his sulky face and chubby cheeks exposed.

They both walked towards the area of the floor where a gaping hole was in the wall, trying to see where the other three might be. Eli then noticed the trio not far from them, Demi also spotting him and waving her arms in the air to get his attention. The seer waved his hand back before turning to Aesop then lifting him in his arms like some kind of princess, the latter gasping in surprise at the sudden gesture.

"Hold on tight."

The boy tightened his embrace around his box and closed his eyes anxiously at the words. So cute... Anyway, Eli held the boy's body tightly in his arms and then suddenly jumped off the second floor, landing perfectly on the ground on his two feet. The embalmer was shaking slightly due to the burst of adrenaline running through him.

"You can open your eyes now."

Aesop slowly opened one eye and then the other, looking around briefly before burying his face against the diviner's chest. Eli blushed a little and repositioned the young boy into a sitting position so he would be more comfortable, his arms holding him underneath. So they went to where the trio was and were greeted by an excited and perhaps a little drunk barmaid.

"Oh my god, how adorable he is! His cheeks are so chubby I want to pinch them!" she shouted.

"Kids are cute, indeed." added the cowboy who also joined them.

"So that's the embalmer..." the geisha stated softly behind her fan.

The gray haired boy seemed a little distressed by all the attention he was getting, so he didn't like the looks of others since he was young huh. He looked anxiously at the three people watching him before turning back to the seer, this time trying to hide his head under his hood even if it was just a pitiful hiding place.

"He's still as shy as ever." the diviner said with a laugh.

"He still seems attached to you even in this state though." said the cowboy.

What Kevin had just said was true. In this youthful body, Aesop was only a child so his memories were a little fuzzy but he still remembered the names of the other survivors and some hunters. Eli felt the inside of his chest heat up and butterflies flutter in his stomach as he realized that the embalmer still felt a deep connection to him despite the fact that he was a decade younger. 

The five of them spent a pleasant moment together, Aesop slowly opened himself to the others with time and stopped hiding under Eli's clothes. It seems that he appreciated the warm nature of the geisha as well and after a bit of good will, he even let her carry him. In a way, they were a bit like a happy family.

Eventually, the match ended and Eli took Aesop to his room, holding his hand. The rest of the day passed without a hitch and several women from the mansion would occasionally visit the young embalmer, gushing about how adorable he was. The next day, the young man had returned to his original appearance but didn't seem to remember what had happened the day before.

All he noticed was the chuckles of several survivors as he passed through the halls. He was a little confused as to why people were looking at him with such enthusiasm and it made him a little nervous. However, Eli reassured him that it was nothing and simply walked beside him holding his hand. Aesop blushed at the unusual touch but said nothing, only continuing to wonder why everyone was so strange today. 

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