Ch 26: Stand Your Ground

Start from the beginning

Akari: "Kiyama. I was starting to think you had forgotten me."

Kiyama: "Oh sweetheart. Never."

Itsuki: "Which reminds me, where's your sister Akari? Hiding?"

Akari: "Keep your filthy little playing hands away from my sister."

Itsuki: "Is that a threat?"

Akari: "It certainly wasn't an invitation or a compliment."

Aika: "Enough."

N: Everyone went silent and Aika's eyes started to glow and she became a shadow and rushed passed her friends from beneath their feet and appeared in front of them.

Tachi: "Well, well, well. Look who came to play. Ya done hiding in the dark Amari?"

Aika: "Like I'd have to hide from you morons."

Kisho: "Is that right? Well then I guess you won't mind telling us where you been?"

Lea: "She doesn't have to tell you no good gutter trash pricks anything. So why don't you and your little fake squad mind your damn business."

Kisho: "Hey! Was I talking to you? No!"

Lea: "Well I'm talking to you, so you better get your asses outta here, before I do some damage."

Kisho: "Alright listen you little bi-"

N: Aika's eyes turned red and Fuji's eyes turned a bright green color as he tilted his head with a smile. Ruki's hair began to blow sideways and black veins began to pop out of his arms. Kisho backed off a little then glared at them.

Aika: "You really wanna finish that sentence?"

N: At this point Yuri and Tokoyami got tired of waiting. They both stood up and Yuri stood next to her sister and they locked arms. Tokoyami stood close behind Aika and she looked at him and he put his hand on her shoulder then shook his head. Aika's eyes turned back to normal and she looked down at the floor.

Itsuki: "Hey Yuri. Where've ya been?"

Yuri: "Oh you know checking out a couple of stores and a couple of cute guy's in the stores. You know I actually saw a really cute one in the store over there, why don't you go and take notes from him."

Itsuki: "Heh uhh Yuri. What-uh what about us?" He asked pointing at himself and Yuri.

Yuri: "Us? Itsuki there's no "us", there's no "we", and there will never be an "us" between you and me."

Fuji: "Ooo, doesn't the truth just hurt?" He asked with a grin.

Itsuki: "Okay, you better shut your mouth!!"

N: Itsuki ran straight for Fuji but Kisho held him back and Fuji just smiled and did the same but Ruki and Lea grabbed him by his arms. Fuji started kicking his feet trying to get free and Itsuki tried to grab him as Kisho held him from behind. Tokoyami grabbed Aika's wrist and pulled her behind him.

Aika: "What're you doing?"

N: He didn't say anything he just looked at her then looked back at Itsuki who nearly got out of Kisho's grip. Tokoyami moved his hand down a little to hold her hand but Aika's eyes lit up a little and her cheeks turned pink but she still waited for a response from him.

Kisho: "Chill out man!"

Itsuki: "NO!"

Fuji: "You better do what he says! Or I'm gonna leave you seeing nothing but scaring images!"

Ruki: "Knock it off Fuji! You're not helping!"

N: A bright flash appeared blinding everyone Itsuki went to rub his eyes when he fell backwards on his back. Then another flash, Fuji covered his eyes with his arm when he was pulled backwards by his hood and sat on a chair. Everyone looked at one another feeling puzzled.

Ankoku: "I'm gone for a couple of minutes, and this is what I come back to."

N: Everyone looked at Ankoku who was putting the drinks down on the table. Aika and the others smiled but Kisho and Tachi helped Itsuki to his feet.

Kisho: "Ito."

Tachi: "You filthy little bookworm! Who do you think you are?!"

Ankoku: "Tachi, Kisho, Kiyama, and Itsuki. Long time no see. I'd appreciate it if you all leave, your already upsetting my friends and I don't want this to escalate into a fight. Because if it does you'll end up getting hurt a lot worse than us."

Tachi: "And we're supposed to actually listen to you?"

Lea: "Well ya kinda have to, I mean our quirks put together are really powerful. And we out number you guy's four to eight. Sooo, what's it gonna be?"

Itsuki: "Tch."

Kiyama: "Hold on. Aikawa correct me if I'm wrong but, you said eight. As in there's eight of you. What did you add a new poor member to your little team? Is he hiding?"

Tachi: "Oh yeah, him! The little birdie in the back." She said while pointing at Tokoyami.

N: Tokoyami squinted his eyes slightly as he glared at Tachi. Ruki and Lea looked at each other and they all moved closer to Aika and Tokoyami.

Ruki: "He's a friend of Aika's from U.A. And as you know U.A student's are a pretty big deal, especially depending on what class their in."

Tachi: "Oh we know, so Amari. Your in U.A? Is that where you've been hiding?"

Kisho: "U.A? Didn't think you were actually capable considering your background."

Ruki: "Watch it Kisho."

Tachi: "So what's the deal with your new little friend? Is he your boyfriend Amari?"

N: Aika's face turned red and so did Tokoyami's. Then he finally let go of her hand.

Lea: "Why do you care if they are or not?"

Tachi: "Well aren't you a little curious?"

Lea: "No because one, she said their friends. And two, I mind my own business, why can't you?" She asked placing her hand on her waist.

Fuji: "I'll tell ya why. It's because they're gonna go running back to their prick leader Hiroto and tell him what she's been up to." He stated standing up and walking towards them. "But you know it's weird, they act like they don't like her, but they still find time to watch everything she does. Am I right? Or am I right?"

Kisho: "I'd actually love to watch you get your ass beat!"

Fuji: "Well you can't get what you want all the time man."

Tachi: "You still didn't answer the question. Is bird brain here your boyfriend or not Amari?"

N: Aika began to grit her teeth and balled her hand into a fist. With everyone glaring at each other thing's only got more intense, and this was only the beginning. The quiet before the storm.

(Ok This was longer than I wanted it, anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll try and update soon. See ya in the shadows;)

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