2 Years Later

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“What do you think about couple tattoos?”

“I’m not having your name tattooed on my ass,” Alec growled, but he was smiling.

That had certainly much to do with his recent orgasm, he pondered to himself.

Magnus chuckled, poking his ribs gently. “Don’t need to, I already know that ass belongs to me,” he replied tauntingly.

Alec snorted, but didn’t deny it, his fingers trailing from Magnus’ shoulders to his hips and all the way down to squeeze his naked ass in retaliation. “What did you have in mind?”

Magnus smiled at him and his eyes glimmered with excitement. It was a look on him that never failed to make Alec smile back, even after two years together.

Magnus dropped a kiss on his chest and shuffled to get out of bed, his glorious nudity exposed for Alec’s pleasure as he walked to the desk to pick up a felt-pen. He climbed back into bed and over Alec, straddling his hips with a smirk as he let his eyes rake over his naked chest.

Alec threw him a dubious look. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to find the best spot,” Magnus said pensively.

“You already have,” Alec replied with a smirk of his own. “Ten minutes ago, when you were fucking me. Did you forget already?”

Magnus bended down to press a lingering kiss to his lips. “Look at you making innuendos,” he muttered against his mouth. “I love you so much.”

“Only because you perverted me to fit your standards,” Alec retorted, reaching up for more. “I love you too.”

“Oh! I know!” Magnus exclaimed, drawing back abruptly, leaving Alec with an open mouth and blinking in surprise.

Magnus grabbed his left arm without another word, pressing the felt-pen to his wrist.

For a while, he was silent, his movements confident and focused as he drew lines and curves over Alec’s wrist. Alec watched him do quietly, the way Magnus pushed out of his mouth just a hint, his brow furrowed in concentration, his nose scrunching up adorably.

He wanted nothing more than to sit up to kiss his boyfriend, but he stayed put. Or as much as he could.

“Stop wiggling,” Magnus chastised him, slapping his thigh lightly in reprimand.

“But it tickles,” Alec protested, but Magnus ignored him, going back to drawing.

Eventually, he pulled the pen away and admired his handiwork before turning to Alec with a grin. “There.”

Alec immediately brought his wrist up to his eyes, studying Magnus’ drawing, a smile slowly growing on his lips. Magnus settled back on his chest, fingers trailing along the tattoo on his ribs absently.

“An amaryllis?” Alec asked softly, sliding his fingers in Magnus’ hair.

“It’s the first flower you ever gave me,” Magnus said in a low voice. “It was your dorky way of flirting with me. Giving me a flower that means ‘splendid beauty’ without ever telling me what it stood for.”

Alec blushed, which was ridiculous in itself, considering the position they were in and how long they had been together. “Shut up.”

Magnus chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and Alec’s breath caught in his throat. “It was sweet,” he said, leaning in Alec’s touch in his hair.

“So, you’re an amaryllis,” Alec said in a poorly concealed attempt at changing the subject. Magnus smiled, clearly seeing right through it, but leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. “What am I, then?” Alec asked. “If we’re getting matching tattoos, I’m getting you and you’re getting me, right?”

“You’re good luck and lasting happiness,” Magnus said with a gentle smile. “You’re positivity and strength and everything good in this world.”

Alec bit his bottom lip but it didn’t manage to tame his crooked grin. He grabbed Magnus’ waist, turning him around in his arms to press him against the mattress and hover above him.

“So I’m a sunflower?” he asked, planting a kiss on Magnus’ jaw line before drifting lower.

Magnus hummed in both content and approval.

“Do you think Barbara would tattoo us?” Alec asked against his neck, and hissed in muffled pain when Magnus tugged at his hair, far more harshly than strictly necessary.

“Don’t talk about my mother when we’re in bed,” he growled.

“Sorry,” Alec snickered against his collarbone.

“But yes, she would,” Magnus murmured. “I already asked her.”

Alec froze halfway to Magnus’ nipple and jerked his head up to look at him, lifting an eyebrow.

“You did?”

Magnus threw him a conceited glance through half-closed eyes. “I knew you’d say yes,” he muttered. “I know you know just as well as I do that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.”

“Maybe you should marry me then,” Alec murmured, kissing his way back up to Magnus’ mouth.

“I would if I could,” Magnus muttered, and Alec’s stomach dropped. He blinked, resting his hands on both sides of Magnus’ head to look at him, gulping. “But what is my girlfriend going to think?”

Alec groaned, letting himself collapse against Magnus with a huff. “Two years, babe. Two fucking years. Let that joke die.”

“Never,” Magnus giggled against his ear, before tugging the lobe between his teeth teasingly.

“Nevermind,” Alec said, pushing off Magnus to fall on his back next to him. “I don’t want to marry you. I’ll just find myself a new boyfriend. Like the teacher from those salsa classes you dragged me to.”

Magnus frowned, angling his head on the pillow to glance at Alec, but he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I know you better than that, Alexander Gideon Lightwood. I’m not a fool. You’re just saying that so I don’t make you go again.”

“You’re an ass,” Alec said.

“You love me,” Magnus retorted, rolling to plaster himself to Alec’s side, tracing the lines of the dreamcatcher of his tattoo with his fingers.

“I really, really do,” Alec muttered, pressing a kiss against his temple.

“I love you, too.”

Alec smiled, somehow at peace, and let his fingers trail on the smooth, dark lines inked in Magnus’ right forearm.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

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