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Magnus’ mother had been thrilled to receive flowers, her whole face lighting up with such a wide grin that he had felt his heart fluttering in his chest with pride.

This, combined with the visit he had received from Alec’s siblings, was enough of an excuse for him to barge in the florist shop a week later when he got an hour break between two appointments.

When he walked in, Alec, who had been leaning on the counter, resting on his elbows, straightened up immediately. Magnus didn’t have the time to greet him, though.

“Seriously, skarbie ,” Wanda exclaimed, her Polish accent heavier than Magnus remembered it. “You need to show less skin. I’m an old lady and I’m not sure my heart can handle how ridiculously good-looking you are.”

Her tone was playfully reprimanding, but her eyes held nothing but mischief. Magnus stopped dead in his tracks, poking his hip to the side.

“Are you talking about me or the sight of Alexander’s glorious arms in this tank top?” he inquired, the corner of his lips tipping up.

“Both are good options,” Wanda replied reasonably. “But he’s gay, so I’ve given up on trying to flirt with him. Plus, he’s boring. He never humors me. You’re my new favorite.”

Alec shook his head in despair, rubbing his forehead with his long fingers. Magnus hadn’t noticed them before, but they were very long. And elegant. It made sinful thoughts twirl in his mind.

“Don’t you have a bakery to run?” he asked, deadpan.

Wanda huffed in offense, bringing a hand over her heart. Magnus decided right there and then that he loved her. It wasn’t every day he encountered someone who shared his flair for the dramatics.

“Well, I can see I’m not welcome here,” she said in a feeble, trembling voice. “I can see when I’m not wanted. Clearly, you’re more interested in flirting with this hunk right there. Maybe you can Netflix and chill later. Or -”

“Jace needs to stop teaching you slang,” Alec cut in with a groan, rolling his eyes.

“Hey, I’m just saying, if you don’t want him…” Wanda trailed off, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “I mean, who wouldn’t want a piece of this?” she asked, gesturing widely to herself.

“Someone who is young enough to be your grandchild,” Alec retorted, but it was too fond to sound truly chastising. “Go be a cougar somewhere else!”

Wanda held both her hands up in surrender, smirking devilishly. She walked past Magnus on her way out and stopped to wink at him, whispering, but loud enough for Alec to hear as well, “You know where to find me.”

Magnus bit his bottom lip on a laugh and winked back. He couldn’t hold it much longer when she pretended to fan herself with her hand as she walked out of the shop, his laughter escorting her to the exit. When he whirled back around, Alec sported a lopsided grin, and Magnus didn’t think he was aware he was smiling at all.

It was a good sight on him.

“How can I help you, Magnus?” he asked then, and his eyes were boring into his own.

Magnus walked to the counter, holding his gaze all along.

Alec was one of those people who looked at you in the eyes and didn’t let go unless they were otherwise distracted - in Alec’s case, talking could actually prove to be a good distraction. It didn’t bother Magnus, because he was one of those people too, except distractions for him usually came in the form of Tall, Dark and Handsome men with strong arms but sweet eyes.

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