Chapter XV: I'm yours

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"Hang out with him tonight..." she blurts. "I don't need you to monitor everything I do. Talk with Jungkook, have fun with him, don't talk about the agreement, the drama, or anything. Just treat tonight as a date, or a hangout, or whatever you want it to be, and see how he makes you feel truly..."

I know how I feel about him, I'm just scared about how he feels about me... Are his actions true? Does he like me? Is this not just pity? He says he loves me, and I feel like it's true, but I'm scared it's not how I think... So do I push him away again? Is that right?


We get the area, and I park my car on the grass, and I know it won't be easy to find later if I'm at all intoxicated. I notice the fire from afar and Yuna and I walk towards it quickly, eager to get warm quickly. The boys notice us, I think.

"Hey!" Someone yells, waving an arm. Yuna waves back while I just smile a bit at her, not bothering to respond when she already did. There's multiple guys there. A few girls, but all guys I know because they're Jimin and Jungkook's friends on the soccer team. But there's one here that catches my eye. Hana... Jesus Christ. I mean her brother is a friend of Jungkook's, but still. Why is she here?

"Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice from behind say happily. I turn and meet eyes with a smiling Jungkook, and he rushes over to embrace me quickly, arms tight around my body.

I can't say it didn't feel nice. It's freezing right now, and the bonfire is the only thing that's giving us warmth. Except Jungkook's body heat. "You act like we didn't see each other in classes," I poke him, and I laugh a bit.

"Still, it's nice to see you," he replies as he sets his chin on my head. I push him away to tease at him just a bit and he smiles brightly. "Did you drive long?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Not really. But this is an odd place to have a bonfire... Why is it so far out?"

"Not sure. Someone's private property," Jimin butts in. "But we've been here before several times and not been caught. Looks like nobody even comes here anyway..." he says. "Beer?" Jimin offers me, giving me a look, but Jungkook steps in, shaking his head.

"No, I think she's fine..." the older one raises an eyebrow before he shrugs and moves on.

This time I give Jungkook a look. "Hey... I can't drink tonight? I've been good recently..."

"Mhm, but you have to drive Yuna home, and I don't want to deal with you drunk tonight. Remember last time?" He asks, making me frown. "Besides, I need a cuddle buddy," he teases, nose scrunching as I smile back. That's what it is... God, I have to quit that... I clear my throat, and nod.

"I'll have just one drink."

I grab a beer from the cooler, and pop it open as Jungkook raises an eyebrow at my behavior. My sudden mood change confuses him, and it's not my intention to make him so bewildered, but I don't want to engage romantically with him tonight, especially in's too scary. It needs to be simple between us. This was only sex at first... maybe now it has to be a little bit more than just that because I'm staying with him until I find a place, but it has to be just that...

I sip my beer, standing awkwardly next to Jungkook, while I scan my eyes over the crowd. I see Yuna talking with Jimin like normal, Taehyung and Namjoon chatting with a beer in hand, Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi all laughing about something too, and then Hana talking on the phone. I don't bother with her tonight... I don't even know why she's here.

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