𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: 𝑨𝒏 𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅

543 39 14

An old friend
—— •.* . .* . • ——

It had been two days since Lydia saw Hans again after ten years, and for the first time in her life she didn't know what to do.

"Hey boss, are you here?" Asked Oliver while waving his hand in front of Lydia's face.

Lydia's head shot up while sighing. She brought her hands to her eyes and rubbed them softly while cursing herself for being distracted.

"I'm sorry guys but i need to go." Said Lydia with a weak smile. All her crew mates watched her with curiosity while Mia and Oliver turned to Lydia to ask what was wrong.

"Are you okay?" Asked Mia softly. Lydia nodded and ran her hand through her hair. "Yeah i'm fine. I just need some air." She explained. Mia and Oliver both nodded and watched how Lydia left the meeting room.

When Lydia was outside the meeting room, she could finally breath again. "What's wrong with me?" She sighed.

Actually she already knew the answer as to why she was feeling so distracted. It was because of Hans. Hans Gruber.

When he came back into her life two days ago, it messed things up. She couldn't stop thinking about their encounter they had.

It wasn't a good one by any means but when she saw Hans that day, she swore she felt tiny butterflies in her stomach. Just like ten years ago before he betrayed her.

"Get out of my head, Gruber." Muttered Lydia to herself while holding her head. She took a few deep breaths before making her way to her office.

While on her way, she couldn't help but hear Hans' name. Everyone in the warehouse was talking about him and it was driving Lydia crazy.

"Can the two of you just shut up about him!" Snapped Lydia to two of her crew mates who were chatting in the hallway. When they saw how furious Lydia was getting, they immediately went quiet while giving her a small nod. "I'm sorry boss." They said at the same time.

Lydia sighed while closing her eyes for a moment. "It's okay. I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled at the two of you." One of the crew mates, Herman, gave Lydia a weak smile while thinking about something that would help her. 

"Maybe it would help to go outside for awhile. Have a nice walk in the snow to clear up your mind." Said Herman softly, hoping Lydia wouldn't get mad at him.

Lydia raised one of her eyebrows while thinking about the idea. "That actually sounds really good." Herman blushed and looked down at his feet which caused the girl who was standing next to him called Leah, to laugh.

Lydia only smiled and patted Herman on his shoulder. "Thanks for the idea. I think it might be helpful." Herman chuckled slightly and nodded. "I hope so."

Lydia bowed her head a little as a goodbye, before leaving Leah and Herman alone. Lydia entered her office and quickly walked over to her desk chair to collect her coat.

When she had it, she put it on and left the office. She made her way downstairs where she saw, Nick, one of her dear friends, guarding the doors.

"Good morning Lydia." Smiled Nick while bowing his head a little. "Good morning Nickie." Smirked Lydia while walking over to the doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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