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chapter seven


7. apologies

There was an unspoken tension wilting within the group. The men discussed quietly of their next actions, strategizing a plan to get back to the train cart that held the rest of their people. There were more than the few that Prim had met on the tracks she had put together, upon witnessing the close trust Rick was placing onto the two unknown men with them. She had no answers to who these two men were, what their names had been, or how Rick and Daryl must of known them. But she knew that they must have come along way together as she watched Glenn hold his hand securely onto Jude's shoulder, somewhat like an anchor to calm the boy down.

None of them had really glanced back at Prim and where she stood. She had her arms crossed, her frame hidden within Daryl's shadow given he was the one she trusted the most at the moment. Her attention was everywhere else but on their conversation. She couldn't think straight as every time she let her mind wander, it fell back onto the prior events leading up to this moment. She decided she would stick in Daryl's shadow as she couldn't find it in her to make conscious decisions.

They would keep her alive, she hoped.

Prim gasped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Just then she had realized her gaze had drifted back onto Derek's lifeless body once again. She snapped her head towards Rick. He had his head held down to her level with his eyebrow raised in concern with no intent to startle her. Despite the worrisome gaze, Prim not so softly shrugged his hand off of her. 

Rick took the hint and stood up straight. 

"Are you with us?" His head tilted in question. His eyes stared firmly into her blue. He watched her emotions switch repeatedly into the unknown before she registered his words. She nodded softly, focusing on his fatherly look. With the confirmation, Rick reached a hand out towards Daryl and the archer handed him the metal leg he had broken from one of the tables. Rick looked between the rod and Prim, not sure if he should be responsible for giving her a weapon in such a state. He took too long hesitating so the brunette took it upon herself and grabbed the metal from his hand. She twisted the weapon, allowing it to mold in her palm before she sent the Grime's man a firm nod. She straightened her shoulders with a newfound determination. 

Prim saw red. 

Rick could see it brewing brightly in her eyes. 

"Hey," he caught her eye. "Use that anger and we will get you back to your sister."

Hope glistened within her. Teddy was all she could think about and she was determined to see her again. She will see her again.

"Now," Daryl's gruff voice broke out as he stepped between the two, peeking out the small window in the door before he nodded and replanted himself in the position he was last. "Let's give these pricks something to cry about."

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