"Oh yes.  I don't usually drink."

"Huh?!" Robert and Vu both exclaimed as they stood up.

"What the hell do you mean you don't usually drink?" Robert asked.

This question got Leo, Sean and Lilly's attention and they turned their heads to look at the scene as it unfolded.

"I am the current acting Queen to the throne of Tír na nÓg," Brigid hissed as she stood slowly from her chair.  "But I am a temporary replacement for the Phantom Queen.  Adair is the true heir to the throne, not me!" she started to yell.  "But someone has to take up the mantle because Adair chose to live her life among mortals!  So I have to lead a moral example and not drink like a blasted savage!"

Brigid growled heavily, her eyes glowing white as she clenched her fists.  Everyone took a step back from her but Lilly quickly approached and put her hands on Brigid's fists.

"Your Majesty?" Lilly asked softly.

Brigid's eyes flared a little before going back to their regular color.  "My apologies," she whispered with a gasp.  "I do not do that often."

Lilly sighed and pat Brigid on the shoulder.  "Are you okay?"

Brigid nodded and shut her eyes.  "Yes.  Again, my apologies."

Lilly frowned before wrapping Brigid up in a hug.  This seemed to startle Brigid but she eventually wrapped her arms around the younger woman.  Robert cocked his head to the side as he stared at the two.  This wasn't a particularly new trait that Lilly possessed, but it always fascinated him how she could be so kind and sweet to people that she wasn't very fond of.  In the right circumstances, at least.

It truly filled him with pride.

"There," Lilly said with a grin.  "Better?"

Brigid nodded and straightened herself, pretending to brush something off her clothes.  "Yes.  Thank you, cousin."

"Sorry, what?" Lilly asked in disbelief.

Brigid froze.  "Oh.  Yes, that," she said while clearing her throat.  "Um, you know that I'm a bastard, yes?"


"Well, my mother...is Nemain.  Your aunt."

Robert's eyebrows raised up.  Well, that was an interesting piece of information.

"That...uh..." Lilly turned her head to the side as she looked deep in thought.  "Huh," she half chuckled before looking at Brigid.  "Well, shit," she laughed.  "Family keeps poppin' up everywhere!  But...how did...I mean...The Morrigan is a triple goddess.  My aunts are just aspects of her, aren't they?"

"No.  They're their own people, just like Adair was her own.  It's why The Morrigan chose you as Adair's vessel.  Only gods and their descendants can carry another soul around in their bodies."

Lilly blinked before taking a step back.  "Wait a minute...she chose me?"

Brigid chuckled and shook her head.  "No, no.  She obviously wanted another child, but you were a...necessity.  My father was no longer fit to provide another heir, so I conclude that your mother had to take drastic measures."

Lilly nodded.  "Hmm, okay...you know, I did meet your father once.  It was in one of my dreams, of course, but-"

"Um," Brigid interrupted.  "Actually..."

Mr. Hughes stood up with a clearing of his throat.  "Erm, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, Mr. Hughes?" she said.

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