chapter 16

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"Scarletpaw Silverpaw come forward" Heavystar said

Scarletpaw and Silverpaw walked forward

"I Heavystar leader of Nightclan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn" Heavystar said

"Scarletpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life" Heavystar asked

"I do" Scarletpaw answered

"then with the powers of starclan I give you your warrior name. Scarletpaw, from this moment you well be known as Scarletrose. Starclan honors your strength and courage and we welcome you as a full warrior of Nightclan" Heavystar said

And Heavystar rested his muzzle on Scarletrose's head and she lickd Heavystar's shoulder and he lifted his head

"I Heavystar leader of Nightclan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn" Heavystar said

"Silverpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life" Heavystar asked

"I do" Silverpaw answered

"then with the powers of starclan I give you your warrior name. Silverpaw, from this moment you well be known as Silverpeace. Starclan honors your kindness and care for your clan-mate's  and we welcome you as a full warrior of Nightclan" Heavystar said

And he rested his muzzle on Silverpeace's head and she lickd Heavystar's shoulder and he lifted his head

"Scarletrose Silverpeace Scarletrose Silverpeace" the clan chanted

"You two well have your silent vigil tonight" Cherrycall said

"we know" Scarletrose replied

They sat in the middle of camp after the long day and when the first lights of sunup and Cherrycall sent out the dawn patrol

And then they walked over to the warrior den to find somewhere to sleep

She woke up and the dawn patrol had been back for a long time

"I'm going to go find some fresh moss for my nest" Scarletrose said

"alright but you don't have to tell me anymore" Cherrycall replied

And Scarletrose walked out of camp and towards a spot where she knew that lots of moss grew

And started collecting it intell she had enough to make herself a new nest

And she turned around and walked back to camp

And made herself a new nest

"good morning" Silverpeace said

"it's not morning it's nearly sundown" Scarletrose replied

"oh I guess I would be because we whent to our nests at sunup" Silverpeace said

I wonder when I get to go on my first patrol as a warrior Scarletrose thought

And finished making her nest

"We don't have to tell our mentors that we are going out of camp anymore" Scarletrose said

"yeah because they aren't our mentors anymore" Silverpeace replied

"that's true" Scarletrose said

And the two of them walked out of the warriors den

"Hi Scarletrose how are you doing" Tinycreek asked

"good how about you" Scarletrose replied

"same" Tinycreek said

"hi Tinycreek" Stagtail said

After walking over

"Hi" Tinycreek replied

And Morningdew walked over to the two she-cats

"I'm so proud of both of you because I get to see my kits as warriors" Morningdew said

That is true we are warriors now Scarletrose thought

the tale of the forgotten clans (The Petals Of The scarlet Rose) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora