chapter 7

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"Come on Scarletpaw" Cherrycall said

"I'm coming" Scarletpaw replied

Getting out of her nest and walking out of the den

"You look tired" Cherrycall said

"I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't get back to sleep" Scarletpaw said

"oh ok I couldn't get to sleep so I took a walk through the forest last night" Cherrycall replied

That's a lie and I know it Scarletpaw thought

And they walked out of camp and they went hunting

"Hello Cherrycall I hear your clan is having trouble with dewclan" a pineclan cat said

"yes we are Kinkstar but we are trying to end it with peace not war" Cherrycall replied

"well I have a cat who can really get cats to have peace and I thought I could help" Kinkstar said

"I'm not sure if Heavystar well like that idea since he didn't want me in the clan" Scarletpaw said

"why is this apprentice here" Kinkstar asked

"she is my apprentice and we were going hunting and we didn't realize how close we were to the border" Cherrycall answered

//later that day//

"Two mice and a robin that is pretty good for one hunting time" Cherrycall said

And Scarletpaw dropped her pray on the fresh-kill pile

"I wish I wasn't too old to hunt" Pearscar said

"you want to hunt again" Scarletpaw asked

"yes I love to hunt" Pearscar answered

"oh I didn't know that" Scarletpaw said

She saw her sister Silverpaw sitting close to the wall

And she walked over to her. "Hi Silverpaw how are you doing" Scarletpaw asked

"good how about you" Silverpaw replied

"same" Scarletpaw answered

"one reason I don't like blood is that I don't want to see you get hurt" Silverpaw said

"and I'm glad to be your sister because your the best sister ever" Scarletpaw said

Why can't everyone be like Silverpaw being kind and caring Scarletpaw thought

"I wonder when we are going to become warriors" Silverpaw said

"I don't know when our mentors think we are ready" Scarletpaw replied

She saw Brightpaw walk into camp with some herbs in her jaws

"Do you need help carrying that" Silverpaw asked

And Brightpaw replied with a shake of her head

"Okay" Silverpaw said

"you are the kindest cat I know" Scarletpaw said

"the only reason I would go in Hazelleaf's den is if I get a thorn in my paw or if I get sick" Silverpaw said

"I only wish that there were more cats like you" Scarletpaw said

She saw Emberjump Pearscar Driftfoot and Sunheart walking out of camp

"What are you doing" Scarletpaw asked

"they wanted to feel the sun on there pelts again" Emberjump answered

"and maybe I well hunt" Sunheart said

"I'm not sure if Emberjump well let you" Scarletpaw said

"I well do it even if he says no" Sunheart replied

"I well let him" Emberjump said

And the three of them walked out of camp

She noticed that Mintfrost was watching him leave

"Mintfrost your coming with me and Scarletpaw on a hunting patrol" Cherrycall said

"can I come to" Tinycreek asked

"sure" Cherrycall answered

And the four of them walked out of the camp to look for some prey

And she found a bird and he crawled forward intell he was about two rabbit hops away from her and she jumped forward and killed it quickly

And hid it under a bush

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