chapter 9

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She felt her ear rip

and she look to see Iceleap chasing off the fox

And once he chased the fox he came back

"Are you okay" Iceleap asked

"I'm not sure" Scarletpaw replied

"I'll help you back to your camp" Iceleap said

"it's only my ear I'm fine" Scarletpaw replied

And walked towards camp and inside and when she got into camp

"Why were you two out on a night hunt" Heavystar asked

"it's was my fault because I wanted to have a full fresh-kill pile for the elders in the morning and I got attacked by a fox and Iceleap saved me" Scarletpaw answered

"uh that was nice of him" Cherrycall said

"and your a kind young apprentice" Driftfoot said

"yeah because she wanted to make us happy" Deerflower said

"yeah and I have known apprentices that didn't want to take care of there elders" Frostheart said well looking at Cherrycall

"and you had to pick to do it on the half moon when our medicine cats aren't here" Morningdew said in a very worried voice

"but it is really close to sunup so we can put cobwebs on it intell Hazelleaf gets back" Mintfrost said

"aren't you forgetting about Brightpaw" Silverpaw said

"yeah we are because she is our medicine cat to" Cherrycall said

//when Hazelleaf and Brightpaw got back//

"Oh starclan what happened" Hazelleaf asked

"I wanted to have a full fresh-kill pile for the elders in the morning and I got attacked by a fox" Scarletpaw answered

"your really lucky to only get your ear torn and not killed" Hazelleaf said

"oww what are you doing" Scarletpaw asked

"I'm putting marigold on it to keep it from getting infected" Hazelleaf answered

"why don't we keep the other ear from getting bitten off" Brightpaw said

"yeah because I could go deaf" Scarletpaw said

"yeah and we don't want that to happen" Brightpaw said

Yeah because I'm a good hunter Scarletpaw thought

"Hey Scarletpaw we have to clean the elders den" Silverpaw said

"okay I'm going to go see if I'm allowed to go out and get fresh moss and maybe get some feathers" Scarletpaw replied

"and we need to check the elders for ticks" Silverpaw said

"alright" Scarletpaw said

And walked out of the den

"Hi can I go out of camp" Scarletpaw asked

"to do what" Cherrycall replied

"to get fresh moss for the elders" Scarletpaw answered

"alright but I'm coming with you" Cherrycall replied

"then you can help me collect moss and maybe feathers" Scarletpaw said

And I can make them happy Scarletpaw thought. And the two of them walked out of camp to a spot where there was a lot of moss

And she started to collect some moss

And she saw a pile of feathers

She stopped what she was doing and walked over to it smelled like fox and there were bones next to the pile

And she picked up the feathers and put them in her pile of moss

"Alright Scarletpaw I think that's good" Cherrycall said

And Scarletpaw picked up her pile of moss

They walked back to camp and she walked into the elders den

She put down the moss

"Where are the elders" Scarletpaw asked

"Emberjump and Mintfrost whent with them on a walk" Silverpaw answered

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