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I'm starting to make a comic version on scratch so if you want to check that out I'm wind_airkingdom on scratch

I have used WarriorzLove s warriors guide to do a lot of the names

"When is mommy coming back" Scarlet asked

"I don't know" Stream Answered

"but I'm going to find us some food" Stream said

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Nightclan patrol]

"There are paw prints here" Tinycreek said

"there are but do they smell like dewclan" Cherrycall asked

"no it smells like it's a rogues" Tinycreek answered

"I will follow it you guys continue with the patrol" Cherrycall said

"okay we will" Tinycreek said

And Cherrycall followed the paw prints to a single red kit in a nest

"Who are you" the kit asked

"I'm Cherrycall and where are your parents" Cherrycall asked

"I don't know" the red kit answered

"would you like to come with me" Cherrycall asked

"yes.. but my sister is getting me food and she will be worried that I ran off" the red kit replied

"I will have my friend's look for her will I bring you home" Cherrycall said

"Cherrycall we finished the patrol so we can go home now" Tinycreek said

"Yes I'll come with you" the red kit said

"But one thing before I bring you back who are you" Cherrycall asked

"I'm Scarlet now can we go to somewhere that has more comfortable nests" Scarlet replied

"Okay" Cherrycall answered and picked up the kit

"Why do you have a kit" Tinycreek asked

"Because I found her at the end of the trial of paw prints and she looks young enough to still be drinking a mother's milk and I wouldn't just leave a helpless kit to starve" Cherrycall said

"Well it is going to be up to Heavystar to decide if this kit can stay in Nightclan" Tinycreek said

"I know" Cherrycall said

"But maybe he will listen to the deputy" Tinycreek said

the tale of the forgotten clans (The Petals Of The scarlet Rose) Where stories live. Discover now