"I'm glad to hear that," she said, realising that she meant it. After all, she knew how dangerous newborns could be. They might be clueless and driven by some deep instinct, but they were also the strongest and fastest a vampire could get. She hesitated for a second before asking something else. "How does your gift work?"

She turned her head again, watching Demetri with curiosity. He seemed to consider his words carefully and she couldn't help but smile.

"It's very difficult to explain," he said, leaning back into the sofa. "When I want to track somebody, I basically focus on the essence of their mind, not exactly like a flavour, but more of a tenor or a feeling. As soon as I got it, it's my instinct telling me where to go and that's how I can find anybody I've met, or who somebody else met."

"That's extremely fascinating," she murmured. She wondered what kind of gift she would get when she was turned, if she would even be gifted at all. "So I assume everybody has a different tenor, right?"

"Yes," Demetri said, nodding. She noticed the way his face seemed to glow with liveliness, how he leaned into her direction.  "Your dad's, for instance, is very calm, kind of like standing in front of the shore and simply watching the waves crashing onto the shore. Your mother's more subtle, barely noticeable, but sweet."

She turned on her side, eager to hear more about her family. Somehow, she wasn't surprised by the descriptions Demetri had given, it matched her parent's characters perfectly. She propped her hand under her head, staring at the man in front of her with amazement. "What about mine?" His face seemed to fall slightly at her question and she wondered if she'd said anything wrong. "If you don't mind sharing, of course."

Demetri shook his head ever so slightly, lost in thought. "It's not that, but it's been a mystery from the moment I laid my eyes on you," he said. "I can barely feel it, it's almost as if you're thousands of miles away or being protected by a very strong shield. But from what I do sense I can tell it's really innocent and soft, like I'm tracking a bunny with absolute zero awareness of the dangers surrounding it."

"Are you calling me a bunny?" she asked teasingly. She watched his gaze, which had been directed at something in the distance all the time he spoke, shift to her and the smile that lit up his face.

"I suppose I am," he said softly.

She let out an amused scoff. "Seems like Alec was right after all."

"About what?" he asked, his eyebrows raised high.

She smirked. She hadn't exactly appreciated Alec's comment, but she couldn't deny the irony. "Alec called me your pet."

"He did what now?" Demetri said, the expression of amusement immediately washing from his face and making place for anger. She didn't like the way his brows furrowed, or the grimace settling on his lips, nor how his hands were clenched in fists. "I swear that boy doesn't know boundaries sometimes."

As soon as she watched him getting off the sofa and heading in the direction of the doors, she shot up as well, almost tripping over her slippers to reach him. Out of instinct, or maybe on an automatic pilot, but definitely not thinking it through, she grabbed his hand, trying to ignore the pulse that travelled over her skin or the way her hand fit so perfectly in his. His eyes snapped to her, his face instantly softening.

"Hey, don't worry about it, it was only a joke," she said. She was painfully aware of how close he was, the closest he'd been since they'd met. She knew she was supposed to let go of his hand, but she didn't want to. Not just yet. "Admittedly, a very tactless and silly one, but a joke nevertheless."

Now she did let go of his hand, taking a step back and smirking. "Besides, I told him that I would take my complaints to Aro if he wouldn't stop insulting me." She didn't bother telling him that she'd apologized almost immediately afterwards.

Demetri chuckled, the sound like music in her ears. "I bet that made him hold his trap."

"It sure was effective," she agreed. She was still smiling as she went to sit on the bed and looked outside, noticing the moon high in the sky already. She couldn't quite stifle the yawn that overtook her. She was still a little jetlagged, but it was already quite a lot better than yesterday.

"I'll leave you to sleep," Demetri said and when she looked up, she saw he'd already moved to the doors of the room silently. "Good night, Cecilia."

"Good night, Demetri," she said, watching him disappear out of the room. When she turned to look out the window again, her attention was drawn by a small box that stood on top of the desk. It was black with a dark green linen bow on top of it and curiously she walked to the desk. She was positive it hadn't been there when she'd looked out of the window only a minute earlier.

She lifted the lid of the box gently, grabbing the small note out of it first.

Happy late seventeenth birthday

She couldn't suppress the blissful smile that lit up her face and she put the note down and grabbed the black velvet box next, carefully opening it. Inside, on the black foam padding, laid a breathtaking beautiful necklace. The necklace itself was white and fine from texture, but it was the ruby pendant her eyes were drawn to. It was in the shape of a teardrop and when she lifted the box closer to her eyes, she noticed the way it seemed to glow in the reflection of the light. The pendant was connected to the necklace by a small diamond, that sparkled similarly to the way vampires did as soon as they were in direct sunlight.

She didn't know what she'd done in order to receive such a beautiful gift, but she was grateful for it anyway. She closed the velvet box, deciding that tomorrow, she would ask Demetri to put it on her.

SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW ➻ DEMETRI VOLTURIWhere stories live. Discover now