Chapter 3

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   I looked at my phone. My mom. Great. "Hello?" I answered. "How's it going?" Mom asked. "Good. I just got done with my homework. Jetta helped me," I said. "That's nice of her," Mom replied. "We're on our way to pick you up, should be there in about thirty minutes. The boys really want to see Jetta again," Mom said. They were already coming to get me. I had to leave.

   "What did you guys eat for dinner?" I asked. "Nothing. We were coming to get you first," Mom answered "Oh, okay. What are we eating?" I asked excitedly. "Well, actually, we were going to let you choose where we eat and then we were going to rent a movie of your choice," Mom answered. "That's so cool. I want to eat Fratelli's and rent...I don't know, I'll figure it out," I said.

   Suddenly, I heard something, like the skidding of tires. It was very loud. "Mom, what's going on?" I was now panicking. "Scarlet-" was the last thing I heard her say before there was a loud crashing sound. "Mom, what happened?" Silence. "Mom, are you ok?"

   Quiet. "MOM!" I screamed. I had not noticed Jetta leave earlier, but now she ran in, Addison following. "Scarlet, what's going on?" Addison asked. "My mom, my dad, my brothers..." I said quietly, not addressing Jetta or Addison. But after a couple seconds, I met Jetta's gaze. She then stepped forward to look at my phone screen, but then froze when she saw my mom's name.

   "I heard a crash, and then she stopped talking to me, I hope she's okay," I said. Jetta slowly stepped forward, took my phone, and hung up on my mom. "Scarlet, I don't think she's okay," replied Jetta, sitting beside me. "Well of course she's okay. She has to be okay. Her, my brothers, and dad were on their way to get me," I said. Jetta then exchanged a look with Addison. That's when Addison sat on the other side of me. "Scarlet, I don't think you realize it, but your parents and brothers are most likely dead," Jetta said gently, putting a hand on my shoulder. "No, no, no...I refuse to believe it," I replied, now feeling myself start to shake. I snatched my phone from Jetta and tried to call both my parents, but it went to voicemail both times.

   That's when I dropped the phone and came to a realization. My parents and brothers really were dead. I sat there for a moment, stunned. I began to cry. "What am I going to do? I'm going to have to go to a foster home now..." I said, covering my face with my hands. "No, you're not," Addison replied. "Yeah, you can live with us. I'm sure our parents won't mind," Jetta added. "But I was going to eat at Fratelli's and rent a movie," I answered.

   "That's okay, Mom and Dad should be home any minute, and maybe we can go to Fratelli's and then come home and watch Twilight. We'll have to explain first what's going on but it'll all work out, I promise," Jetta said, hugging me.

   "It will never be the same," I said, still crying. "I know, but we'll help you get through it," Jetta replied. I would get through it, that was true. But, little did I know, it was going to be very hard...

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