Oh No.

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Nobody's POV.

Olivia paced back and forward hysterically crying. "No. No. NO. This can't be happening" she said frustratedly.

"Liv it's OK calm down" Elliot said softly.

"Calm down? Calm down? You're not the one who's pregnant are you!" She yelled.

"Look we can figure this out" Elliot said still remaining calm.

"How? I'm only 15 I can't do this! I'm not even old enough to qualify for 16 and pregnant do you know how bad that sounds!" she yelled as she began to slow down slightly.

"Don's gonna kick me out. Oh god. I'm gonna have nowhere to go and I can't take care of a child" she said as she became even more hysterical.

"He's not going to kick you out. You've spent the last half an hour pacing up and down listing everything that could go wrong, if you just tell him things will be better"

"No I can't he'll hate me. He'll think I'm a whore just like everyone else" she said shakily.

"Things are only gonna get worse if you don't tell him. Besides he's gonna find out sooner or late" Elliot said and Olivia stopped pacing and hugged him tightly.

"I'm scared" she whispered bringing him in closer to her, he tightened his hold on her and rubbed her back gently.

"I'm scared too but I know Don will help us. He's not like our parents" Elliot whispered before pulling away and kissing her softly.

2 hours later - Elliot's POV.

Don  got back and Liv looked like she might throw up. "We have something we need to tell you" I said taking Liv by the hand. Don sat down and nodded wanting to hear more, I looked to Olivia thinking this was something best coming from her.

"I-I'm..... I can't do this" she said running off, I knew it was down to me, this was going to be awkward.

"Olivia's..... Pregnant" I blurted out.

"What?!" he asked jumping up off the chair.

"Now don't freak out but....there's a 50% chance that.... I could be the father" I managed. I shut my eyes tight waiting for the part where he'd hit me, but he didn't, he got up and walked to Olivia's room. Oh no.

I hurriedly followed him expecting all hell to break loose but instead he gently knocked on the door and walked in. I stood, leaning against the door frame and just listened in.

Cragen's POV.

I sat on Olivia's bed and tapped her gently. "Liv honey can we talk?" I asked and she hesitantly turned to face me.

"Please don't kick me out we only did if once and it might not be his and it's not like I was a virgin anyway and I know you probably hate me but I have nowhere else to go and I'm scared" she said letting it all come out.

"No. I'm not gonna kick you out of course not" I said hugging her tightly.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"You will need to see a doctor first thing tomorrow, though" I said and she nodded. I felt awful, after all she's been through and now this.

"You're not mad?" she asked shakily.

"Of course not" I said. I know this isn't how people would normally react but Olivia's fragile and I know that shouting at her won't help the situation. People have been yelling at her all her life I couldn't do the same, especially not now. "You want somethin to eat?" I askec and she nodded.

"Raspberry Ice-cream please" she said and I nodded.

"Having a craving?" I asked and she nodded. I walked out before realising I had left Elliot in there. "You come with me" I said and he nodded. I took Elliot in the car with me while Olivia stayed at home to sleep.

"Is Liv gonna die?" he asked.

"What no" I said very seriously.

"But... She's so young.....and..  I'm worried" he said.

"Well she can always get an abortion, I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to do. That's happened enough in her life" I said getting out of the car. Elliot came too and I grabbed 4 shopping baskets, I gave two to him and two for me.

"Why'd we need all these?" he asked

"Because we need to stock up on things. If Olivia decides she wants pancakes at 4:00am I'm not planning on driving to the store" I said and he just laughed.  We filled up the baskets and we brought the stuff to the car.  When we got back Liv opened the door before I could even get the key in the lock.

"Where have you been I'm starving" she said and I laughed.

"Here" I said handing her a tub of ice-cream. She ran to the kitchen and got the potato scoop and just started devouring it.

"Mmmm this is amazing" she said between spoonfuls.

2 Weeks Later - Nobody's POV.

Olivia was now three weeks along and was doing fine until that point. It was late on a Saturday night and everyone was sleeping. Olivia felt pain rip through her, she sat up and her eyes widened. She hurriedly got out of bed and ran to Cragen's room. He was at work so she ran to Elliot, who was sleeping soundly. "El wake up" she said teary eyed but he didn't budge. "Elliot" she whispered, shaking him gently. He sat up groggily.

"Liv are you OK?" he asked her worriedly.

"Something's wrong" she said, breathing in deep.

"OK come'ere" he said and she sat on the bed beside him. "I'll call Don" he said getting up.and taking her by the hand. They walked to the couch "damn I can't find my phone" he said frustratedly. Suddenly Olivia collapsed dragging Elliot out of his thoughts. He caught her before her head hit the floor. "Liv? Olivia? Can you hear me?" Elliot asked shaking her gently. She didn't wake, he was panicking he couldn't find either of their phones. He took her in his arms and ran across the hall to the neighbours. "Please help me" he said in tears.

"Oh sweetheart what happened?" Ms. B his elderly neighbour asked.

"I dunno" Elliot said, still panicking.

"I'll call for help" she said calling 911 followed by Cragen. Elliot rode in the ambulance with her and Cragen met them at the hospital.


"We're running more tests but she's very ill. Being pregnant at her age is very high risk and she's more venerable to infections" the doctor said and Cragen nodded wanting him to continue. "By the way things are going, the odds that both her and the baby will survive are slim to none" he said.

"What can we do?" Cragen asked.

"WS could abort but I don't know if that's gonna save her. She's been sick awhile" he said and Cragen felt like he could cry.

"There has to be something" he asked desperately. 

"All we can do is make her as comfortable as possible. If we can find out what's wrong then maybe she'll have a good chance of recovery but if it's as bad as I fear then you'll have to consider this situation open eyed" he said but Cragen couldn't bare it.

"But she was fine" he said in shock

"The virus has been eating away at her for weeks now, it just didn't show any signs until now" the doctor explained and Cragen know it was bad. How would he tell Liv and El?

Hope you liked! Thanks for the ideas I tried to use them all!!! More's on the way :P

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