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Joe's POV.

I couldn't get the images out of my head. Things I so wanted to do to her. I tried to make it stop but the urge was getting too strong. "Where're we going?" she asked me seeming frightened.

"Somewhere safe baby I promise everything's gonna be OK"  I said as my hands tighten around the steering wheel.

"I just wanna go home" she said and I knew the drug had worn off.

"WE CAN'T GO HOME!" I yelled before calming down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell" I said but she just nodded silently. "You hungry? Let's get McDonalds" I said. I pulled up and ordered the food. I knew it would be the easiest way to drug her.  She isn't an easy person to get through to though, she's stubborn.

"Sweetheart you gotta eat" I tried but still she refused. "OK well at least drink something" I said and she took the drink before hesitantly taking a sip. "There we go" I said softly. The drug took effect almost immediately.

"Daddy I'm cold" she said sleepily. I gave her my coat and gentle put it over her.

"There you go sweetheart" I whispered before continuing to drive. We came to an abandoned warehouse and I carried her up to the top floor. I gently laid her on the ground before pacing the floor. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stop thinking the way I was thinking. She's your daughter I kept telling myself but it wasn't working. I stood over her and watched her sleep. "I'm so sorry babygirl" I whispered.

Elliot's POV.

I stayed with Don for the night and he went out searching for Olivia again leaving me alone to think. I thought about Olivia. I thought about her a lot. I love her. I love her more than anything. I don't care if people say we're too young. I love her. I think I'd rather die than live without her. My thoughts are interrupted by a phone call. It's his partner Sarah. "Elliot can you come outside?" she asked me.

"Did you find Liv?" I asked hopefully.

"Just come down OK" she said which worried me.

"Um... OK..." I trailed before hanging up. I walked down to see her standing by her car.

Cragen's POV.

We tracked Joe's cell to a warehouse in Jersey. I burst through the door and saw Olivia laying on the floor wrapped up in a blanket. I felt for a pulse, it was there but very weak. I took her in my arms and ran her to an ambulance. I watched as they hooked her up to different machines. They were yelling things like "we need an IV!" or "she's crashing!" I just watched. Soon they stabilised her. They rushed her to ICU where she stayed for 2 hours. Then they kept her for observation for another 3 hours. We were finally allowed leave. Sarah came and picked Olivia up while I continued to search for Joe.

I knew it'd be hopeless but he deserves to pay for what he did to her. He drugged and raped his child, I can only imagine what he'd do to a stranger. It was something not worth thinking about.

Elliot's POV.

Sarah stood out of the way and opened the door. Olivia ran out and jumped into my arms. "Liv!" I exclaimed before we pulled away. "Are you OK?" I asked.

"I am now" she whispered before hugging me again.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"Me too" she whispered back. I took her hand and walked her up to Don's place. We sat on the couch and I held her close to me, completely ignoring Sarah's presence.

"I'm so sorry" I said softly.

"It"s not your fault" she replied. We just sat there for awhile in each others embrace before deciding to put on a movie. "An Eye For An Eye" came on TV. At first I had no idea what it was about but then, the rape scene came on. I went to forward it but Olivia stopped me. She just stared blankly at the screen as if she were trying to make sense of the situation. "I'm going for a shower" she said before getting up and rushing to the bathroom and slamming the door.

Olivia's POV.

I sat in the shower and cried, I felt so dirty. My own father. I was raped by my father. These words just kept ringing in my ears. I wanted to die. But I'm sure Elliot is going through a lot too and I'm not gonna act like the victim here I'm not the only one. "Liv! Open up! You've been in there two hours!" Elliot called through the door as he banged on it repeatedly. I quickly dried myself off, put on a clean pair of clothes and opened the door to see him standing there with a worried expression. He hugged me tightly. "Please don't do that. I thought you hurt yourself" he said, pulling away and looking me up and down.

"Really I'm fine" I lied.

"I know I just care about you that's all" he said as we hugged once again. It was nice to know someone understood. Someone cared. I felt so safe with his arms around me. It's like everything else just fades, nothing matters now. I'm safe. I'm found.

Hope you guys like!!! Please vote and comment I really love hearing from you guys! This might be my last update for awhile because I'm getting my phone fixed and wattpad won't work on the computer for some reason. But I'll do my best! :P also sorry AGAIN if there's typos. I was in a rush AGAIN!

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