"Then you should go home okay?"the man said in a calm voice giving Amaani a chocolate.

"Okay"I said and he walked us half through the way home.

"Thank you" I said with a sad smile.

"Now we have to go back home little one,no more going to mum"

"But I want to"she cried.

"Well you said you're tired so C'mon let's go sleep before someone sees us here and we get into trouble"

We head back home,changed into our pajama's and lay on our beds,it was a day that was never been said or discussed by any of us,it was our little secret- well buried and deep inside.

"It was on the 14th of March 2005"

I voice out loud enough for everyone to hear,while entering the room And everyone looked up at me,all eyes staring while Mami came in and stood by my side.

"You failed your duty as a husband and a father"Mami said with a sad smile while sitting on a chair.

"Yes Mami"Abba answered with head hung low.

"Control  the roof on top of your head and be a man on top of that roof " now you know what that means.

"You were blind for the love you have for your first wife but all along you thought you'd the right  choice by jumping into a relationship with a woman who doesn't know the pain of a child birth at that time-you loved her,you were blinded by the love you have for her,you couldn't ask yourself  "would her love last long enough for my children?"you forgot at that time it wasn't about you but all along about your daughters...and your darling zulaiha,your darling daughter?A sister to Amaani?who would treat his own blood-sister like that,if not for your family?,you were blind to not see what your daughter was going through,you thought it was growing up that made her move far away from you but you never had the courage to asked "what's wrong my daughter"have you?what was so important with your work,leaving  home  for 6 or more months without a care in the world what's happening in your house,you have failed my son,you have truly failed me"Mami said while shaking her head side to side in disappointment.

"I'm sorry Mami,please forgive me"

"Don't be sorry,you should be for yourself and ask your daughter for forgiveness"Mami said looking from me to uncle Aleey.



October 20th,2014.

"Have you finally forgiven mum"

"I don't think I can forgive mum"I answered back

Abeeda-Yes you can't or You won't?"Does zuzu knows about all this"

"No,it's better if zuzu doesn't know"

As the scent of ya zuzu sifted  in my brain,I suddenly felt afraid,what if she had listened to my conversation,Anger clouded my face.

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