Free Hugs

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A oneshot that takes place in the same universe as the rest of the fic, but is not connected directly. I plan to continue this story like this, in the occasional oneshot, but it will still be classified as "completed."

"Hey Nico!" Will said, smirking, as he strode over to the Hades table where Nico sat behind a plateful of taco and next to a Jason.

"Yes, Will?" Nico asked, slightly wary. Yesterday, after Jason finished his lesson teaching the baby campers, as they had taken to calling the under-13s, remedial swordsmanship, Will and Nico had wrapped themselves up in a little wager. A quick sword fighting match, where loser had to complete a dare of the winner's choosing, and Jason played referee. The game and bet was proposed by Will, and Nico readily agreed, never having lost a sword fight with Will. But when Nico used a skeleton to hold Will back just before finishing him off, Jason declared him a cheater and Will won by default.

"I've decided what you'll be doing for your dare." Will grinned, and slid into the seat next to Nico, careful not to sit too close as to make Nico uncomfortable.

"And what would that be?"

"Well it has multiple parts, but the first step is going with me to the bonfire tonight."

"Seriously Will? You know I hate sing-alongs. And I'm not the biggest fan of fire, ever since that...accident...when I tried out the forge. Never again, I swear to gods."

"I'm sorry about the fire, but I'll be sure to not let you get burnt. On the other hand, if you do, that would mean spending time together in the infirmary."

"Shut up, Will!"

"Will not. And you not liking sing alongs is part of the dare."

"Gods, I hate you."

"You love me."

"I can do both."

"Sure, sure."

"Now, eat your taco, and then we can walk over to the campfire, okay?"

"I'm full, actually."

Will tried not to roll his eyes at Nico when he said that, then looked over to Jason. "How much of his dinner did Nico eat?"

"Don't worry Will. He had about a taco and a half. He's been eating well for a while now." Jason responded, while Nico groaned at the both of them.

"Really? Playing doctor again, Solace?"

"Only for you, Nico."

"Well doesn't that make me feel special."

"If you guys are just going to keep flirting, I'm going to go find Piper. I'll see you around."


"Nico! Seriously, though. I was about to go...hang out with Pipes anyway."

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll just be 'hanging out' with her," Will said, a little eager for Jason to leave him and Nico alone.

"Ugh, just stop talking the both of you!"

"Sorry, Nico," they both said simultaneously. Jason then waved at the pair, and walked off.

"So what's the next part of the dare, after the bonfire."

"During, actually. And you'll see."

"It's not singing or anything is it?"

"No, it's not. Don't worry about it, it's nothing too bad. But we should probably start heading over, it looks like all the Apollo kids other than me and those on their shifts at the infirmary are already there."

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