Who is this all for...

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A/n: Highschool and the sport I do is taking up a lot of my time. At least I have some time on weekends and on the bus to do things I like!


I saw Kalluto standing outside the base talking to someone with long black hair. I couldn't see their face since they were turned away from me. I jogged over close to Kalluto and pointed to the door hoping that he understood that I wanted to talk to him.

"What is he doing here."

That voice sounded really familiar.. I turned to the guy and I felt anger at myself for not noticing and at Illumi for showing his face to me. Just because he's in the troupe also doesn't mean that I have to like him.

I glared at Illumi even as he turned his back on me again, but went into the house before he could say anything else to or about me. When I came back outside Kalluto was still there but Illumi was gone.

"How did your first mission go?" Kalluto asked cruising over to me.

I explained everything to him and was reward with a short round of applause from him.

"Your sure the guy was dead before you left right?"

I opened the door and walked inside towards the television, "Well no but I assume he will die before he's able to speak because of the damage I caused to him."

Kalluto stopped and furrowed his brows, "Oh. You better hope so.. I've heard some stories from Illumi before about targets surviving encounters from missions giving to last Zoldycks. They always made sure to return and finish the job before they could leak anything they remembered of course but it isn't always guaranteed you could get so lucky."

"Yeah I know I just didn't really have a lot of time. People were coming to our location and he was a pretty decent fighter," I replied sitting down, "don't worry about it. Even Nobunaga said he was finished."

Kalluto came over and sat down mumbling, "If you say so.."


I picked up a white calla lily and placed it next to a yellow daisy. I looked around the field and found a blue tulip a few feet away, I grabbed it and put it next to the other two flowers I found.

There was a bells of Ireland flower which was going to take a bit of time to reach. I got to it as fast as I can but when I turned around to face where I placed the flowers I saw three people standing there instead.

I squinted thing to make out their features more and felt my jaw drop. No way they would all be here...

I started to speed walk closer to the people and the details became more clearer, I was staring at the back sides of Leorio, Kurapika and Killua. They were calling my name repeatedly as if they were searching for me. I reached them and reached out to pull them into a hug.

My eyes snapped open and I saw Kalluto peering at me, calling my name and shaking my shoulder. I sat up frowning and rubbed my eyes. I rather have stayed in that dream than be here, but now that I'm awake my chance to seem them, even if in a dream, is over.

"I want to have a conversation with you outside," Kalluto whispered standing up and walking towards the door.

I groaned in protest but still got up and followed him. Kalluto went to the back of the house where I saw Illumi with Kalluto by his side facing me. I turned right back around because I sure as hell wasn't about to talk to this bastard this late at night.

"Wait Gon this is important," I heard Kalluto call out.

I stopped moving and slowly faced them again, "Fine."

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