Liam stood up from the couch, making sure not to jostle Niall too much, and walked over to Louis. The older boy didn't see him at first, too wrapped up in Harry to notice, and he jumped when he felt a large hand on his shoulder. He whipped around, ready to hit whoever it was, but relaxed when he saw it was only Liam. "Oh. Hey, Li." Liam yawned and pulled Louis to his feet, enveloping him in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're here, Lou. I can't- I can't do this alone." Liam stuttered as he got choked up, his eyes filling up with tears as Louis rubbed soothing circles over his back. "I know, Li. I know. What happened, why did he pass out?" Liam sighed and sat down in one of the chairs, Louis sitting next to him in the other. Louis held tight onto Harry's hand, not wanting to let him go ever again. "Apparently, according to the surgeon, he never fully healed after his accident, and he, uh, he hemorrhaged. While we were at the mall. A vein in his head or his brain burst and he just started bleeding internally, and then he blacked out. They said that the chances of him living through the night are really low, with his condition."

Louis gasped and clapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes going wide with fear. "He might n-not live? H-How, he's so young? He's only a baby, he can't die, he's barely lived." Liam sighed and rubbed Louis's back, squeezing his shoulders gently. "I know, babes, I know. Just calm down, shh. Crying isn't going to solve anything at all. Just get some rest, okay? We all need it." The younger boy kissed Louis's forehead and then went back over to the couch, curling up with Niall so the blonde was half on top of him. Louis watched them with a heavy heart, wishing it was him and Harry cuddling. He moved the two chairs around to form a makeshift bed and laid down between the two, placing a blanket over his body. His breathing soon evened out and he fell fast asleep, the only sounds in the room being Liam's snores and the beeping of Harry's heart monitor.

The next morning, the three boys were woken up by a nurse coming in to check Harry's vitals and change his fluid bag. Liam sat up almost immediately, hovering behind the nurse as she measured Harry's blood pressure. "Is there anything I can help you with, love, or are you going to stand behind me the whole time while I check my patient?" Liam blushed and stepped away, sitting on the arm of the couch. Niall was sitting up and rubbing at his eyes, his blonde hair wild and all over the place. Louis was stretching in his chair, his back aching terribly from the angle he had slept in. "What are his vitals like? Is he okay? Is he gonna die?" Liam asked nervously from his seat, wringing his hands in his lap. The nurse took her stethoscope out of her ears and shook her head at the boys, a small smile peeking at the edge of her lips. "Good news, boys. He's doing wonderfully."

The group let out a collective sigh of relief as the woman took Harry's empty fluid bag from his IV stand and replaced it with a full one. "His heart rate is steady, his blood pressure is back up to normal, he has no clotting or any signs of infection in his head. He's healing wonderfully. I'll say he'll even be awake within the hour, that's how great he's doing. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some other patients to attend to." The nurse waved to all of the boys and left the room, shutting the door behind her. "That's fucking wonderful. I can't fucking believe he's gonna be okay, and he's gonna be awake soon." Louis's eyes teared up, this time with tears of happiness instead of fear. Liam smiled and pulled both of the boys into a tight hug, kissing both of their heads. "Oh my god, he's okay. My boy is okay." Liam wiped at his eyes, sniffling as he stared at the boy on the bed.

They all sat around the room in silence for a long time, just staring at the boy on the bed in case anything happened with him. Still nothing, though. He hadn't moved a centimeter since the boys had gotten there the previous day. "Lads, it hasn't even been half an hour, don't worry. Maybe the nurse was wrong with her timing," Niall said shakily, gripping Liam's left hand tight with both of his hands. Their heads all whipped around when Harry's heart monitor skipped a beat, then went on like normal. "Is that supposed to happen?" Louis asked fearfully. No one answered. All of a sudden, Louis saw movement. Harry's finger had twitched. "Guys, guys, his finger. His finger moved," He whisper-yelled to the others. Liam and Niall looked closely, and sure enough, Harry's finger twitched again.

"Go on, Liam. You're his brother. You should be next to him when he wakes up." Niall pushed Liam to his feet and the bigger lad sat down next to Harry's bed, his hands immediately going to hold Harry's. The younger boy's hands twitched in Liam's hold, eventually moving around easily, and then the boy made a small noise, almost a groan. "Li," He said, his voice groggy and his eyes still closed. "Yes, Haz, I'm here. Can you open your eyes, babes?" Harry's eyelids fluttered, too heavy to open, and when they finally did, Harry's beautiful green eyes were revealed to the room. "What happened? What am I doing here?" Liam sighed and kissed Harry's knuckles. "You fell, darling. You really had us scared." Harry nodded sleepily, his eyes moving to the other two in the room. "Hi, Hazzy. How are you feeling, bud?" Niall asked, waving at the boy. "Not great. My head really hurts." Niall nodded and Louis stood up, coming to the edge of Harry's bed. "Hi, baby. I'm so sorry I wasn't here." Louis's face fell and his heart dropped down to his stomach when he saw the younger boy's face twist up in confusion as he stared at him.

"Who are you?"

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