"Never mind. Go." He says as he wipes his tears.

Your sight became slightly distorted as you felt drops of tears running down your face. It was so sudden that even you didn't know what was going on. When he had cried, it just made you emotional. You didn't even know the guy!

"Why are you crying?" He asks you.

"I don't know. I saw you cry and then I cried." You said as you wipe your tears.

That feeling of missing someone was finally gone. It felt completed at last. You squat down again.

He looks a bit hopeful as he looks at you with red eyes. A smile sprouts on his face as he says, "I think I found you, y/n."

Hearing him say that name was awfully familiar, but it wasn't your name.

"Hey, if you're going to mistake me as your ex or something, you could've gotten my name at least correct." You chuckle.

"At least, it's not now. Can I know your name? I'm Killua, well... it's not my legal name, but a nickname." He says.

"Killua?.." An unfamiliar name you had uttered out your mouth, but the sense of hearing this name wasn't unfamiliar at all.

"I'm here this time. If you allow, I won't allow such opportunity to pass by." He says with a cheeky smile as he got up.

He pulls you up and hugs you tightly. You don't know him, but you knew that he wouldn't hurt you. Despite wanting to deny all of this, it didn't change the fact that the feeling you always felt was now gone.

What did he do?

"Wait, no! I don't know you, and you don't know me. I gave you my jacket and am heading back home. End of story." You pull away and start running back home, while thinking that you are crazy to have felt that way.

"I'll be here again tomorrow at 4pm. Let's meet again." He says behind you.

You thought to yourself that you weren't definitely going and that he is dangerously luring you in, but he didn't feel that way at all.

After stopping in front of your parent's house, you look back. He wasn't following you, and no one was there.


"Yes, mom. I'm heading to my apartment right now. I'll be okay. Don't worry too much." You said as you hang up.

You had just gotten off work. Although you had told yourself not to go, you were curious. What if he was actually there waiting? What if he waited again when you didn't show up?

As you gather your courage, you walk to that Main Street again. Under that same light, you see him looking at his phone with your jacket in hand. A small bandaid was on his face, covering the bruise. He then looks up from his phone and looks around, spotting you.

"Ah, hey! You're here." He happily smiles as he puts his phone away and starts to walk towards you.

Not knowing what to say, you open your mouth to say, "You didn't need to wait. Why did you wait anyway?"

"I want to get to know you. Oh, how lucky I am to have met you." He says as tears starts to brim the edge of his eyes.

"Why are you always crying each time we meet?" You ask him as you hand him a tissue.

"Isn't that because I'm so happy to have met you? I found you." He says as he wipes his tears.

"Found me? What am I? A lost cat?" You glare at him.

"No, no, no. Never. I think I found my soul mate."

You look at his ridiculous smile that was plaster on his face. He didn't seem to be lying at all. All the while, your face grew hotter and hotter.

"...." You had intended to open your mouth to say something back, but you couldn't say anything back at him when he said that.

"Close your mouth. How about we go get a meal together? I'll treat you." He laughs as he lightly taps your chin.

You close your mouth, embarrassed at his words from earlier. Cautiously, you texted one of your friends your location and the appearance of Killua to her, telling her that if she can't call you later at 4:30pm, then for her to contact the police.

"Alright then." You agree.

He starts to walk beside you, showing you the way, and the smile on his face softens.

"I really missed you. How about you? Did you miss anyone?" He asks.

He always asked the weirdest questions, yet he was spot on. You bit your lower lip and didn't answer him. He was strange.

"Let's take our time this time, and I'll make sure to be all the more diligent in protecting you," He then looks down at the ground, "I don't mind if you think I'm some weirdo or that I'm strange. I don't even care if I'm the one that's talking all the time. I'm just glad to have you."

His words touched you where it usually doesn't when others say such things. Walking like this makes you feel a sense of deja vu again.

"I... I'm y/n. I don't want to meet anywhere private. Only public places with people will do." You said as you walk faster away from him.

It'll only be this one time that you give in to this strange person.

Hearing a chuckle behind you, you felt your face get hotter.

"Alright. Whatever you say."

You could hear a smile in that tone, and quietly smile to yourself.

KilluaXReader: Kill her with LoveWhere stories live. Discover now