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Shrieks echoed throughout the ship, getting louder as each spike dug into the wizard.

"Painful aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery," The monster taunted. he turned to look behind him, where he thought he heard a noise, "and anyone of them can end your friends life in an instant."

Tony and Percy had positioned themselves behind the two sorcerers, ready to execute the mission. Percy wielded Anaklusmos, who's bronze color illuminated the dark room.

"Gotta tell ya, he's not really our friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy.

"Yes, we will be expecting payment for working overtime." Percy added.

"Ooh, that was a good one."

"Thanks." They high-fived.

"Imbeciles." The alien scoffed. "You save nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine." He levitated chunks of debris and scrap metal, trying to intimidate the humans.

"Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies."

Iron Man fired a rocket into the hull of the ship, a chunk of it flying off into the vast space. The alien was sucked straight out like a vacuum, pulling the doctor along as well. Percy caught him by his foot, determined not to let him get away this time, but he was slipping. His grip was good, but the the space was stronger than him.

Just as Percy started to lose his balance, Peter grabbed him by the waist. He wasn't much stronger than Percy, however, and started to slip towards the hole. Out of nowhere, Peters suit activated a safety maneuver, emerging giant metal spider legs from his back. They planted themselves onto the walls beside the tear, freeing the teen's hands to rope Percy and the magician back in.

  Tony leapt into action, sealing the broken wall up to ensure no-one else was ejected. They all breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they were on solid footing again. Strange stood and brushed off his cloak, recovering from smashing into the wall when Peter flung him backwards. 

Percy and Tony let their suits melt back into their capsules, with Percy's becoming a small trident pendent on a necklace, like Magnus's sword, which he wrapped around Riptide so it wouldn't get lost. 

"We gotta turn this ship around." The wizard told Tony as he walked past. 

"Yeah, now he wants to run. Great plan." He rolled his eyes.

"No, I want to protect the stone."

"I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, Im listening." The billionaire walked towards the front of the ship, back facing Stephen.

"I really don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." He followed him to the ship's control panel. 

"Um, Stark?" Percy interrupted.

"Jackson, can't you see I'm a little bit busy here? Go babysit the kid. The big boys are talking." He seemed frazzled.

"Well I'm sorry, just trying to help. But you don't know how to accept when it's offered anyways." Percy said, feeling hurt because he had risked his life to even be here, and now his boss was acting like he was a liability. He instantly regretted his outburst though, knowing Tony was probably under a lot of stress. 

"Wow, Stark. Your own employees are making you look bad." The doctor snarked, summoning his cape. 

"Shut up. For one goddamn second, can you please shut up?" 

"So can you turn the ship around or not?"

Tony sighed, annoyed and stressed. A lot of things were happening at once, and the circuits in his brain were on overdrive.

The Avenger's Assistant - A Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now