chapter 6- dream

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"swiss!!!! wake up!!!" spirit said

swiss opened his eyes "spirit?"

"yeah it's me loser" spirit said with an upside down frown like this 😊 "you fell asleep"

"i did?" swiss said

"yeah ur snoring was so loud u started a 7.8 earthquake but its ok" spirit said

"oh sorry" swiss said

"hey i'm sorry for what i said before" spirit said "it was a rlly shitty thing for me to do. any way i can make it up to you?"

"kiss me again" swiss said

spirit blushed "huh?"

"Kiss me like you mean it," Swiss breathed, only loud enough for Spirit to hear.

The warm color on Spirit's cheeks spread even further across their pale face and evolved into a deeper hue. "A-Are you sure about this?" they questioned, nibbling on their bottom lip with nervousness. "I-I mean, I wouldn't mind-"

As soon as Swiss heard those three words, he closed the gap in between them, locking their lips together. The familiar taste of their soft, luscious lips, Swiss loved it.

For a moment, he could see Spirit's eyelids lowering slowly, melting deeper into the kiss. And so, Swiss did the same, finding comfort in the warm skin touching and closing his eyes.


swiss opened his eyes and felt nothing on his lips. he saw spirit a few inches away from him with a shocked face


"w-w-w-w-w-w-what???? but you said that u wouldnt mind!!" swiss said

"YOU IDIOT U WERE DREAMING!!!!! A-A-A-a-A-A-a-AND THEN U JUST K-K-k-K-KISSSED ME?!?!?!?!?!??!!?" spirit screamed

oh no i was dreaming!!!!!!!!!! swiss thot

"I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" spirit screamed "I HOPE YOU CRAWL IN A HOLE AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!"

"wait!!!!! spirit!!!!!! don't go!!!!!" swiss yelled

but it was 2 late because spirit ran away

swiss started crying again "you stupid sussy baka!!!" he said to himself "why do u have to be so in love with them!!!!"

"ayo u smoked again??" min said popping his head into the room "when are u gonna give me some"

"GO AWAY!!!!!!" swiss screamed

"geez fine it's not like i'd want to smoke with u anyways" min said bfore leaving

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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