"Yes it is, that also happens to be the day she killed my wife!" He yelled.

"That was not her fault and you know it she was a baby she didn't have control over that" Narcissa shouted back.

"Go girl, too your room now before I do something worse in the midst of company" he spat at Cassie as she slowly got up and raced to her room.

Once she was in the safety of her room she paced up and down wearing out the souls of her shoes, she spoke Voldemort's words in her head 'direct your emotions' she did just that. She focused her power and tried to focus it on the fire again, but in trying to make it stay in the fire place her magic boomed in different directions smashing the windows and mirrors in its path. When it was done and the fire was back to normal she was drained she sank into her bed.

And she dreamt of flames, the world on fire.


Day after day she waited for those hours that she could finally be herself, Cassie knew that if she lost control in front of the dark lord there would be no repercussions. He didn't like to make it obvious but you could see in his blatant actions that he was favouring her, his usual ice cold front seemed to melt away when they were together.

Every time the dark lord had set a lesson for Cassie he'd always let it run over, if she was upset over something he'd listen to her, if it was anger then he helped her let out that rage, if she was tireder than usual then he'd sit and wait while she napped, he was even happy just to sit and read with her. That soft spot was getting deeper and deeper.

The best thing to him was when she was happy, she was full of smiles and sarcastic remarks and that's what drawed him in. This child was all the best parts of himself when he was young. Cassie had this thing about her that made it seem like she knew something no one else did, her wit and dark humour was at par with his.

Lord Voldemort had never had a parental figure in his life but if this is what it felt like then his mind would never be able to figure out how anyone would abandon their child. The way his parents abandoned him.

"You know you still haven't told me how old you are" Cassie questioned whilst they were out in the garden sparing, "is it because your embarrassed?" She laughed between breaths.

"I haven't entertained your question because it's irrelevant and unimportant" he said as he easily blocked each punch she threw.

"Yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night" she landed a hit to his side.

"Concentrate Cassiopeia" he pushed her backwards, "less talking more combat"

"You know for the so called dark lord you really are stupid" she stood her ground.

"You dare to insult me?" He half laughed.

"You dare to underestimate me" she raised her eyebrows cheekily.

Just as he went to respond cassie darted left, then right and then head butted him in the stomach and swung herself down to knock him off his feet.

"Why you little nuisance" he gasped catching his breath.

Cassie let out a full belly laugh and then turned towards the Lestrange estate walking a few paces. "Next time don't go so easy on me"

Lord Voldemort slowly climbed to his feet chuckling to himself, she really was extraordinary and soon the whole world would know it.

When Lord Voldemort returned inside the house before he was going to hold a meeting he happened to walk passed one of the sitting rooms, inside were a couple of his death eaters who had arrived early. He was about to enter the room when he overheard a part of their conversation

"So none of you agree that our so called dark lord is playing favourites with a stupid child" one spat.

"Watch you mouth Avery, that child could flay the flesh of your bones" this he knew was Rabastan.

"I'm just saying, is it wise to be following someone who shows weakness" Avery said through his teeth.

Before anyone else could get a word in the door shot open and the dark lord strode right over to Avery, no body moved an inch. The colour drained from Avery's face as he started stringing out apologies but it was no use, without even reaching for his wand he put both of his cold hands either side of his head and snapped his neck like it was a chicken bone and not the human vertebrae.

"Does anyone else want to question there loyalty to my cause?" He stood hands together looking at the men in the room.

Instantly there was a chorus of 'no my lord' and every one of them dropped onto a knee.

"Good." He gave them an animalistic grin.

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