☾that night☽

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Alara hart

I go to bed that night.  Everything is so dreaming...till, Amy gets into my mind.

She'll hate me so much. She has so much fails when it came to relationships. It's always a girl best friend or, an ex, or the boy isn't that ready, or even because they just used her. A guy who used her to make the bullies stop bullying him but then start bullying her. He moved away before he could notice she was getting bullied for dating him. She started dating a guy 3 months after that, so she could take her mind off of the bullying, and he was still into his ex then broke up to date his ex again. And after that, she moved to another school, and then she met me.

She stopped dating for awhile. Then she saw Peter Anderson, then she dreamed she could even just touch his chest, at least once in her life. Her words, not mine.

I close my eyes, trying my best to go to sleep, but I just can't.

The kiss can't leave my mind, then I get reminded of Amy. Again.

I feel so bad, I regret it, but at the same time...I don't regret.

I finally close my eyes again, and this time, I went to sleep.


"I hate you." Amy says and looks away from me.

Peter walks to us and then looks between us then finally gets the idea. Amy found out we kissed.

He looks at Amy and then tries to say sorry.

I tried my best for her to believe me, IM SORRY AMY!

I start crying, as hard as I could. I needed to let it all out.

Amy and Peter are yelling at each other, again.

I felt bad, I mean I made Amy's boyfriend cheat on her, with me!

I'm her best friend! I should be there for her, not making her boyfriend cheat on her.

I cry and cry and cry.

Why did I do this?!

Well, it's not really my fault, I mean he was the one who kissed me.  I get up from the ground and push him to the ground and start yelling at him. Amy leaving us alone.

He groans, and rolls his eyes and gets up once again.

"You made a mistake." He says, and then kisses me hard. He keeps kissing me...

"Time for school, sleeping beauty." A deep voice says. I jump up and get my clothes and then walk to the bathroom, and striping from my clothes then going into the shower.

I think about the dream I had. I know I probably won't remember it later but I feel like it's speaking to me, somehow.

I get out, brush my teeth and hair, then change into my clothes.

I open the door to see Peter frowning on my bed.

"Why are you sad?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"You didn't come out...naked, I mean." He says and starts fake crying.

"You're lame." I say and walk out of my bed friend after getting my phone and putting it in my pocket.

I get my backpack and say bye to my parents. I try my best to forgot about what I saw on the night of the party.

I walk into his car, before he could open it or close it for me.

He walks out of my house and closes the door behind him. He's so handsome.

He gets into the car and looks at me from the front seat.

"You could sit next to me, up here." He says. "We broke up. She won't ride in my car anymore."

"Oh...ok." I say and I still don't move.

"Come up here." He says and chuckles.

I get out of the car, and go in the front.

He smiles at me then drives to school.

When we get to the school, he parks and then we both get out. I don't want any seeing us together, so I move away from Peter and run into the school.

I get my stuff from my locker and get ready for my next class.

When the bell rings, I'm ready. I walk to the class. I sit down in my normal seat.

Amy comes into the room, looking like a mess after a few more other people came in the class. She sees me and then hesitantly sits next to me.

"Hi." She says and smiles.

"You look..."

"Say it." She says and laughs.

"Like a mess." I say and she breaks out in a smile.

"Thanks for being honest." She says and then the teacher looks up from his books then smiles at all of us.

"Good morning, class." He says and shuts his book.


Me and Amy are sitting down at the "nerd" table. Megan is out of sight.

"Where do you think Megan is?" I ask Amy and she shrugs.

"Maybe...she didn't come to the school at all." She says, and then zoned out for a bit.

"You ok?" I ask her and she looks at me and nods.

"I think...that boy that said hi to her, was her cousin. Who she obviously doesn't like, but he obviously doesn't like her either." She says

"How did you get that idea?" I ask her and she looks at me then at the tray of food in front of her.

"She kinda told me." She says and then drinks her water. "She was crying in the bathroom, and I asked her what was wrong. She told me, her words, 'That stupid cousin boy who hates me! Life is so bad with him being in it. I mean, his dad touched me...then raped me. And so my dad didn't do anything about it. He kept inviting him over and talking about him to me. I told him I was uncomfortable with him talking about that ugly man and he said, 'So? You need to calm down and forget about it already! It's been two years!', and I cried for a week straight after school and sometimes in the bathrooms here. So, that's where the cousin comes into the story, he always talks about it to me and I hate it! I hate it! He always teases me about it, and I get so mad, and frustrated- I shouldn't be telling you all this.' Is all she said. Don't tell anyone though. She told me not too. I promised... she trusted me...and I broke the promise." She says and starts crying.

I hug her tight and tell her it's ok.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." I tell her and she wipes her tears and smiles.

"I don't deserve a friend like you." She says and hugs me back.

I want to say, 'you do...but I don't.'


It's the end of the day, finally.

Peter picked me up, secretly. And Amy got picked up by her mom. Amy doesn't want anything to do with Peter anymore.

He's still driving, normally, thank God, when I ask,

"So you and Amy broke up?" I knew they broke up but I kinda wanted to see if he really cared. To see how he reacted when I asked something about Amy.

"Yes." He said. "You already know. I bet she told you, already. You girls talk about everything, especially about boys."

"Uh...she sorta told me." I said to make him be in the wrong.

"What did she tell you?" He fought back.

"That you are a ugly, ignorant, hideous, unattractive, unappreciated boy." I said in one breath.

To that, he laughs. For five minutes, straight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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