Happy Valentine's Day, Babe

Start from the beginning

"Alright," Shukaku shrugged. He wasn't going to say no, The man was good looking after all. He'd been eyeing him since Kurama had started coming into the office. "Let's take the long way back," he smirked, not caring if Itachi and Kisame's coffee got cold. He wanted to get to know the other man a little bit better.

'I may start to like Valentine's Day,' Kurama thought as he followed the other man out of the coffee shop.


Itachi and Kisame sat in Itachi's office. The Uchiha never took a day off of work and Valentine's Day was no exception. Kisame was leaning on the other man's desk, bored. "Where's Shukaku with our coffee," he asked, realizing how long it had been.

"I don't know," Itachi answered as he looked at the clock. He realized that Kurama should have been there for their meeting an hour ago. He hated when people were late and it seemed that both Kurama and Shukaku were nowhere to be found. He was getting frustrated by both of their tardiness.

"Come on Itachi, he obviously isn't showing up," Kisame said. "Can't we just go back to my place and celebrate Valentine's Day like a couple?" he asked. He knew that his boyfriend was a workaholic, but he was just hoping that for once he'd take part of the day off.

"I have to work," Itachi said. He didn't take off unless it was for an emergency, like his brother. He had never thought of Valentine's Day of a particularly important holiday. People called it a Hallmark holiday for a reason. It was all about using the fact that there was an expectation for people that are in a relationship to celebrate the holiday by buying each other gifts and going out for dinner.

"Fine, but I'm going home. You can swing by when you're done working," Kisame said angrily as he grabbed his things. It wasn't like Valentine's Day was a huge deal to him, but he just wanted Itachi to care enough to do something.

"Kisame," Itachi tried as he turned in time to see the other man walk out the door. The Uchiha sighed as he looked at his work, 'Well, I guess I could take one day off.' He grabbed his things, knowing that if he didn't join Kisame, he'd never hear the end of it.


Suigetsu and Kiba were playing pool in the student lounge. They didn't play often, since neither of them was very good, so they didn't bother keeping score as to how many games each had won. Kiba thought a few times about telling Suigetsu how he felt, but he thought it would be too cliché to do it on Valentine's Day.

"I'd say that loser buys dinner, but its Valentines Day and anywhere we go, we'd be surrounded by couples," Suigetsu said as he shot a ball into one of the holes.

"We'd probably be mistaken for a couple if we went out to dinner today," Kiba laughed. 'Not that I'd really mind,' Kiba added in his mind. "How about loser buys pizza instead?" Kiba suggested, attempting to get the ball in the hole but failing.

"Well since you're not very good at getting it in the hole, I'll take you up on that deal," Suigetsu laughed.

"What?" Kiba asked, confusing the meaning entirely. He'd let his mind wander off to other activities otherwise he might have understood what Suigetsu was saying. He wasn't sure that Suigetsu even realized the innuendo he'd made.

"The game, it looks like you're going to lose," Suigetsu explained.

"Oh, right," Kiba said with a nervous laugh, hoping that he other boy couldn't tell what he thought he meant. Rather than giving Suigetsu time to think about it, Kiba changed the subject, "How pathetic are we? Neither of us have dates on Valentines Day," the brunette sighed.

Suigetsu set the pool stick down, "Come on, let's go celebrate Single Awareness Day as we should. He smiled as he added, "By getting some pizza and getting away from all of the couples."

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