She is still in college
We don't even know the name of the college

Mr Xander talks about her alot
But doesn't say more than
What I just told you

I last saw her on her 20th birthday party
At one of her dad's private island

She quite the beauty and very friendly
You will love her
When you meet her

She will be attending her dad's birthday
Am sure of that

Am sure Cherry would have loved to meet her

Why do you say so

She has a lot of her pictures on her laptop
Have the same cloth
She wears in each pictures

And when I asked her
She told me

She really wish to be like her
That she had to undergo plastic surgery to look like her

And for her to undergo a surgery to look like someone else
I must say she is really obsessed with her

Am sure
She had to do a lot of jobs to pay for it

Well am happy for her

She living from her late father's savings
She doesn't have to work a lot now

She told you all that? Alex asked
You guys must be really close then

Why not
She is my best friend Alex
What else do you expect?.

Nothing actually
I was just asking

Come on.
We are here already.

Cherry pov

Mom. Am home
Thanks. I said to the maid collecting my stuff

Ohh sweetie
Welcome home
How was your trip?.

I don't know
Why you just had to attend the college far away from home

When we have prestigous college around

Where is dad please?. I asked
Ignoring her question

In his study
I guess

I will be with him

Nice decoration though
This place is looking beautiful. I Complimented her work

What were you expecting
I know a lot when it comes to the best. She bragged
As I walked pass her

Hey dad

Guess who is home. Hr said looking awaying from his laptop screen and stood up

I walked into his embrace
With my head of his chest
And I saw what was on the screen

Really dad? I asked breaking from his embrace

What Aurora?

On the day before your birthday
You are still busy with work?

It is just a conference call
Nothing more. He replied in his defends

I rounded my eyes
I will be in my room

Okay dear
You need the rest

When you are well rested
The head of your security agent wants to have a word with you

I will go see him
When am ready

See him?

See him

Or you mean he should come see you?

Yes. Sure
He should come. I replied walking toward the direction of mine room

Hardin pov

It is tomorrow
Hope that head of yours isn't empty
Because I won't go on a mission
Without a useful plan. Jake asked

I just looked at him and said nothing

What are you up to this time?

Let him think Jake
Would you? Willy said

I sat up straight and threw an envelope at willy

What is this. He asked

That is an invitation to the Xander mansion for the party.

How did you get it. Jake asked

Why am I the one going
I don't know how to act all fancy and all that

I can't go either
Cherry will recognized me.

What about me. Jake said

Hell. No
I won't allow you screw all my plans
And I know that is what you are only good at

You will have to pull yourself together and attend the party

Is the plan
You are to make sure
You are close to Cherry
I mean Xander's daughter

Here is a picture of her. I said showing him the picture on my phone

I will call Cherry around 9:30
And I want you to take a picture of her in case her phone rings or she goes outside out side to receive the call

That sound really easy
What will you do with the photo then?. Jakes asked

I am doing nothing with the photo
I just want to confirm
I am sure if I really want to harm her
I just want the money
That is all

Is that love
I smell. Naked joked smirking

And how do you intend to get the money. Willy asked

I really care about Cherry
I don't know yet.
Let just confirm her true identity first.
I said finally

Love Untoldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن