16. Surprise

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2 days have passed and I have thrown up every morning since after that night with Tajima. Tajima has decided to take me to the hospital and now we are in the room, waiting for the doctor to give us the answer for why I'm feeling this bad.

"Congratulations, you are pregnant" the doctor says and I'm looking at him with shock. Tajima seems to be happy about it. I'm pregnant, im seriously pregnant! That's not good, I don't want a child, this wasn't planned at all. I thought I can't get pregnant. I can't imagine that a mini me is growing in my belly.

Tajima sees my shock and sends the doctor out of the room. "Why so shocked? This are great news. I would love to raise a child together with you" he says and hugs my belly gently. "I don't know" I say thinking. "You don't know? Aren't you happy? Having a child is a blessing. At first I thought you can't make one but like we see it was maybe just this one time where it didn't worked" he speaks.

"I mean. That thing is gonna grow in me for 9 months. That's creepy as hell, and I have to press it out one day. If you know what I mean" "I see. Well I'll make you love that time. There are are many good things about being pregnant like- like... Eh..." "You don't know the good things about it?" I ask almost crying. "Eh no. There are good things like... spending more time with me! I have to watch out for you and our baby, I will protect you!" He says to make me calm down. "Ok" I say staring at the wall in though. I don't want to be fat. Will I be able to run with that big belly then? "Are you hungry? We haven't had breakfast yet. I'll make you something to eat" Tajima says and picks me up to carry me to the kitchen. "I can walk you know"

Just as Tajima and me entered the Kitchen a Araki sat at the Kitchen table waiting for us. At least he looks like he waited for us with that grin on his face. "So is it true what I have heard?" "Huh?" "I will get a grandchild?" "Father, how do you-?" "The doctor told me. I ordered him to tell me anything if it's something about my family" "Oh" me and Tajima say at the same time. "So we will celebrate you as the new Clan leader tomorrow. I have heard that Butsuma will soon be the new Senju Clan leader as well" my father-in-law say. "Finally" Tajima says happily. "Don't be so hyped up. You will learn how to lead the Uchiha Clan. How to care for your people and you will be the one to make up strategies to win the war against the Senju Clan. I'm hoping for you to do a good job and lead the Clan to viktory" Araki warns him and Tajima nods.

Tajima makes his way to make me some warm soup. "How do you feel?" Araki asks. "I'm alright. Just the throwing up every morning is annoying" "My wife had the same problem. Tea helped her" "Oh. Thanks for the tip dad- I MEAN-" "hahaha it's ok you can call me dad, but I prefer father. I never had a daughter before" "That's cool I guess" I say. "Now I see why Tajima choose you. You aren't scared of anything. You were kidnapped by the Senju but still saved so many of us. You are truly strong" Araki says. Wow I never thought that he would think about me like that. "Thank you. It's a pleasure to hear that from you"

"Here is your special soup" Tajima joins and places the bowl with soup on the table with some bread and a cup of tea. "Oh this looks good! Why is it special?" I ask. "Why is it special? I made it, that's why it's special" he says with a wide grin and I face palm.

And so we ate breakfast together while talking about our past and how our future could be. We laughed together like in a happy family. Did I finally found the perfect family? Will I lose someone again? Or will this stay until we grow old together with our future child?

*Next day*

I slowly open my eyes to see Tajima hugging me while we lay in our bed. I slept good even though I spend so much time yesterday with reading books about pregnancies. "(Y/N) you awake?" Tajima mumbles with his morning voice. "Yes" I say softly and pat his spiky hair. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. There is something about him that I always wanted to know. "What is it?" "Uhm... How old are you?" After I asked that Tajima looked his eyes with mine. "My age? Is it really that important?" "Im just curious about it. I mean everyone wants to know the age of your partner right?" "Yeah. Well I'm 24. I know it's a big age gap but let's not change things because of this" he says and plays with my hair. 24?! He's 24?! He looks much younger than that!! He's really 7 years older than me, I'm just 17! But he's right, we shouldn't change things now because of our age. We should get up tho.

"Come get up, today you will get announced as the new leader. Today is your big day" I say and shake him "Hn" "Hn? Just get up" but all he does is hugging me tighter. "Just a view more minutes" I never thought to see him lazy like that but i just give the best hugs.

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