Within seconds he placed both of my arms around his neck while he put his arms around my waist , gently resting his chin on my shoulder , causing me to hold in my breath for a few seconds .we start to move side by side , and I realize that we our only moving our hips a little ; its not even like formal dance , more like a romantic dance .

"the vows were already formal ; i cant have another formal thing going on " he whispers near my ear , causing me to chuckle lightly . It's true too. Since Jung Kook was royal , everything seemed formal - planned and arranged . It was pretty bothersome ; it wasn't casual at all .

" It feels weird being the center of attention " I mutter under my breath but still loud enough fir him to hear . Then , he twirls me around once before holding onto my waist again ; now we are face to face , making it easier to have a conversation .

" It will always be that way , just so you know . Since our wedding was shown worldwide , everything we do is their business too now . no matter how unrealistic it sounds , we are and will be the center of attention " he replies looking straight into my eyes while I look into his

Remember that I said that his eyes looked tired and droopy? It makes him look sexy and cute

We end up looking into each others faces , only remembering our features . Honestly , I still feel a little bit uncomfortable when I'm around him , especially when we are this close . Still, I try to slide it away and just enjoy the moment - enjoy our moment . Without me realizing it , he has already pulled me closer towards him so that our bodies would collide .

Then, he leans in so that our lips would brush against one another before completely pressing his lips on mine . I respond back with the same rhythm , which is slow and meaningful - some how our kisses meant something to each other , but we manage to only prove and show it through smooches .

We experience the same kiss we shared a few days ago, not the kiss we shared in the public eye a few hours ago . For some reason, I want to know what in his head whenever we kiss ; does he have everything mapped out or does he just go with the flow ?

Is he naturally this good ?

We both pull away , brushing our noses before I feel him pecking onto the side of my cheek , slowly as he pulls back , looking at my face . I open my eyes to find him staring at me , only at me , but as my eyes wander around , he starts to cup onto my face " Don't , Don't give a damn about them " he breathes

I look back at him , agreeing

My heart beats at an unusual pace once I see him licking his lower lip which causes me to feel my cheeks heat up immediately . I wonder if I'm the only woman he kissed ever since he knew that we're engaged to one another ? I wonder if he had kissed someone else ? I keep on wondering .

The music stops playing only for us to realize that we've been standing there for quite some time . The crowd is whispering , but it doesn't seem like they're saying anything negative . People start moving to the middle of the ballroom , dancing and having fun to their hearts content while I watch them with a smile on my face .

I've learned one thing about marrying royalty : you've got to keep smiling . I sigh

When I turn to look at Jung Kook , I see him talking to a few men , but he glances in my direction for a few seconds while I just eye him from afar . I exit the ballroom with another sigh and slowly make my way towards the hallways that I've come to know these past few weeks.

I enter my room , letting out another sigh of relief before closing the door behind me and finally sitting onto the bed - even though i know that the queen has already asked me and Jung Kook's room in the other hall . Still, I remain here , not wanting to jump into things when we are just slowly getting to know each other .

JUNGKOOK'S PRINCESS || J.JK {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now