Girl's Night

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"Y/n, you have been moping around all week. What is up? Are you upset about ---," Violet asked, clearly concerned about you.

"I'm fine, I promise," you answered quickly, thinking back to last week when you overheard Kuroo say that he was going to tell you that he had feelings for someone else.

"That's it. We are having a girl's night and get your mind off of whatever it is that is bothering you. I won't take no as an answer."

"Fine," you relented. "I don't have school or work tomorrow anyways. Let's do it."

Violet drug you off to her and Kenma's room and grabbed a joint from the top drawer. She took a couple of puffs off of it before handing it to you. You took couple of hits, hoping that it would made the sadness of the week go away. You just wanted to feel nothing. You wanted to completely get rid of all of the feelings that you had for Kuroo.

"I'll go make us a drink, pick out a record to listen to," she commanded.

You rifiled through her collection, finally deciding on one of your favorite artists, before putting it on the record player and laying back on her bed.

Violet came in a few minutes later and said, "Looks like the boys are getting crossed too. Looks like everyone has off tomorrow. Should we join them?"

"Nah," you answered, thinking about the tense situation you were trying to avoid. "Let's just have a girl's night. I'll even let you do my makeup."

"Really?" she asked, bouncing on the bed in excitement.


Violet spent the next hour and a half meticulously doing your makeup and hair while you continued drinking. When you finally looked in the mirror, you were surprised. Maybe it was just the alcohol, but the face looking back at you looked extremely sultry and sexy. Very fuckable.

"Here, throw this on," she said, tossing you a skin tight dress. "This will bring the whole look together."

You put the dress on and posed for her. She isntantly took your hand and headed towards the living room. Had you known that she was going to drag you out into the other room to show off your look to the boys, you would have chose to not put the dress on. You admit it did look good on you, but you hated that you would be modeling it for Kenma and Kuroo.

As soon as you came into view, both boy's jaws dropped.

"You look..," Kenma started.

"Beautiful," Kuroo finished in unison with Kenma.

"Doesn't she?" Violet squealed, as she jumped up and down and tugged on your arm.

You did you best to avoid the eyes of both boys. You felt more embarassed than anything at that moment and your heart was starting to race. You just wanted to hide.

Violet must have sensed it, because she grabbed your hand and drug you back off to her room. "We are off boys! Have fun jerking each other off!" she joked before cackling loudly.

As you got back into the room, your heart settled and you plopped on the bed.

"I am so good," she bragged, checking you out again as you laid on the bed. "You look so hot. Even my boyfriend was drooling. Fuck, even I'm drooling. And Kuroo's face. It was like he fell in love."

"Yeah, that's definitely not the case."

"Whatever you say, y/n. I know what I saw."

You rolled your eyes at her, before motioning and turning your back towards her to have her help you take off the dress.

After slipping into something more comfy, you relaxed and had a few more drinks, happy to not be thinking about anything. A couple of hours later, Kenma came in and beelined right for Violet, making out with her as soon as he was close enough. It was as if you didn't exist.

"And I'll take that as my cue to leave," you announced, before heading to your room.

As you got into your room, you realized you still had a lot of makeup on and hair product in your hair. Part of you just wanted to pass out, but the better part of your said to just shower and get it over with. You knocked on the door and stepped into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. At that moment, you were really started to feel just how drunk you were. In fact, you felt so drunk you were unsure how you even managed to get into the bathroom on your own.

Maybe it's the heat of the shower.

You tried turning the water cooler, but it was almost painful as it fell into your body. You turned it warmer again and thought, "Drunken showering it is."

You checked your hair a few times for soap, just to make sure it was completely rinsed, before stepping out of the shower and into your room. That's when you felt it. A warm body in bed next to you. Kuroo instantly came to mind.

Why is Kuroo in my room?

You panicked, as your eyes started darting around. That's when you realized that it wasn't him in your room, but you in his room.

That's when you heard him say something. "Y/n," he moaned errotically. "You're here. Mmmmm, y/n."

You looked over, trying to see his face in the dark. There was just enough moonlight shining through the blinds for you to see the very faint outlines from his features. That's when you realized that his eyes were completely closed. Then you saw his hands go from above his head and wander down below the sheets and into his pants......

You jumped out of his bed, realizing where his hands were going. You ran back in through the bathroom and to the other side where you room was, slamming the door behind you.

What the fuck just happened?

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