Catching Up

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"Kenma? Tetsuro?"

"Y/n!?" both boys said in unison.

Kenma instantly got excited when he saw you. "Y/n! I haven't seen you in years," he said, as he wrapped his arms around you to hug you tightly. "How have you been?"

Kuroo, on the otherhand, looked annoyed to see you. You didn't blame him. You weren't exactly pleased to see him either.

At the start of high school, you and Kuroo were very close. However, he turned into a complete ass the last half of high school as he got more popular and into sports more. He was arrogant, rude, and did everything he could to make your life miserable.

Not that you were innocent. You definitely did your fair share of trying to irritate him as well.

What am I going to do? I can't live here with Kuroo. We are like oil and water. There is no way this can work. But how am I going to be able to find another place on such short notice? And what if the new place is even worse? Maybe I can just avoid him. It can't be that hard.

You decided to ignore Kuroo's look and answered Kenma truthfully. "I've been better."

"I can't believe the person that Violet was talking about this whole time was you. It's been so long. I feel like after school ended, you just disappeared and didn't talk to any of us."

"You can blame my ex for that. He was always so jealous of everyone that he didn't want me to have contact with any of my friends. Turns out half the reason he did that is because he was sleeping with them and didn't want me to find out."

"I'm sorry," Kenma said apologetically. "Wait, so you stayed with that asshole this whole time?"

"Yeah," you sighed. "I can't believe I didn't see him for who he really was for so long. I mean there were so many signs. But I just ignored them. Four fucking years wasted with him. Anyways, I'm sick of talking about him. How have you been?"

"Good, just doing my pro-game stuff and running my YouTube channel. That's where we were today. I got offered another contract from a sponsor."

"Congrats!" you said cheerfully. "Must be awesome to do exactly what you want to do. I feel like I'm still busy trying to figure out what I want to do. I've changed my major three times already. I wish I could be more like you and know what I want to do."

"How do you still not have your shit figured out?" Kuroo chimed in.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Who cares if I haven't figured my shit out. It's not like it matters to you. Besides, if you are doing so great, shouldn't you have your own place instead of living with roommates?"

Kuroo shot back a devious smirk at you, knowing that he got to you at least a little bit with his statement.

Violet, in the otherhand, shot you a look of shock. Clearly she thought the two of you would get along. It wasn't until that moment that she realized how wrong she was. "Uh, why don't we eat dinner?" she finally spoke up, putting the food on the table before taking a seat.

"Looks good, babe," Kenma said, kissing her on the cheek before sitting down next to her.

That left only two spots open at the table that happened to be right next to each other. You begrudgingly sat at one of the spots, knowing that Kuroo would have to sit next to you.

You tried your best to dig into the meal, but your stomach was still upset because of the events that happened over the last several days. Plus Kuroo was purposely thrusting his elbows sideways onto the table, invading your personal space. You wanted to shove his arm with yours, but instead, you ignored him and pushed the food around on your plate and tried your best to have a pleasant conversation with the two people at the table that you considered to be civilized.

"You eat like a toddler." Kuroo observed.

"Again," you snapped, then calmed your voice as well as you could as to not offend everyone else at the table. "Why do my actions matter to you?"

"Still hot headed too. You haven't changed at all since high school."

His words stung. You knew that you had actually changed a lot since high school, but he happened to catch you during a bad week.

"Today has been long," you said, trying to brush aside his words. "I'm going to go lay down. But thank you for the meal, Violet."

You quickly washed your dish and stomped off to your room, throwing yourself face first onto the bed as soon as you walked in.

You wanted to cry. This week had been bad. The one thing you thought was going to be the bright part of your day ended up fitting right in with all the other shit going wrong. You felt the tears fall gently, not from sadness, but frustration as you muffled your sobs into the pillow.

You weren't in there long before you heard a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" Violet asked, as she very slowly opened the door.

"Sure," you answered, flipping over into your back to look at her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, noticing your tear soaked cheeks.

"Yeah," you said. "Sorry you had to see that. Kuroo and I don't exactly get along great."

She listened intently as you very briefly explained your high school experience to her and how Kuroo just changed one day and turned into someone completely different. After a while, you started feeling better. Or at least you felt well enough to fake it to her so that you could be alone with your thoughts. Really all you wanted right now was to sleep.

After she left, you knocked gently on the jack and jill bathroom, making sure Kuroo wasn't in there, before entering. You could hear him talking from the otherside of his door, presumably on the phone, since it sounded one sided. You did your best to drown his voice out out as you sat down to pee, but he was talking rather loudly. "....Yeah babe, you should come over right know you want some of this...."

Booty call. Figures.

You flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink where you washed your tear soaked face off, before heading back into the other room to lay down for the night.

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