Past Confession

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"No, I did it because all you ever want to do is hurt me! You purposely have been bringing girls around just because you know how I--," you stopped short, not wanting to continue.

"Me!? What about you?" Kuroo responded. "You did the same thing! You dated that douchebag even when you knew...."

You stopped and stared at him, shocked by what he was saying. He turned his head down and to the side, shielding his eyes away from yours with the hair that hung over one side of his face. "...when you knew that I liked you," he whispered so quietly that you were doubting if he actually said it or not.

"I never knew that. When was this?" you asked, trying to keep a normal tone even though you were freaking out.

"Right before second semester of my last year."

"You never told me," you said.

"I tried to, but I got nervous and then shortly after that you started dating that asshole."

"I liked you back then too," you admitted shyly. "But one day you just stopped talking to me normally and then started being mean to me so I thought you hated me."

"I'm sorry," Kuroo said after a long moment of silence. "I never hated you. I was just an idiot who didn't know what to do."

"Me too."

"I wish we could just go back to how things were before."


"Then why dont we?" Kuroo asked, holding out his hand. "Truce?"

"Fine. Truce," you answered, meeting his hand in the middle.

"Does that mean you will help me clean up the cat piss in my room?" Kuroo asked.

"Yeah," you said halfheartedly. "That was really stupid of me. Least I can do is clean it up."

You followed him back into his room and saw the cat pee on the floor.

Well at least it didn't piss in his bed. Could have been worse.

You got some carpet cleaning supplies from under the sink and sprayed the wet spot on the floor. You threw a towel down and stepped on it several times, soaking up the liquid while Kuroo watched you intently. His look was curious. It wasn't judging or angry, more like he was just pondering something.

"I guess I better return Luna now," you said after cleaning, picking up the cat in the process.

"Need company?"


The ride to drop Luna off was very quiet. Neither of you knowing how to act around each other.

Finally you broke the silence and addressed the elephant in the room, "I guess we don't really know how to talk now that we aren't arguing."

"I'm just thinking."

"Yeah, I get that."

"Maybe instead of sitting here in awkward silence, we should get some drinks and start over," he suggested.

"Honestly a drink is what I've been needing all week. I've been trying to hold my shit together this week and failing. Thia has been the worst week of my life."

"I'll treat," he said, smiling a crooked smile at you. "Least I can do since I caused a lot of your issues."

You stopped off at the store, buying mixers and a few bottles of [your favorite hard alcohol], before heading home.

As Kuroo poured drinks in the kitchen, you sat down on the couch, and thought about the things that were said in the last hour.

He said he liked me. Past tense. That doesn't mean that he still does. Just remember that. Plus that girl he brought over the other night might not be a booty call, it might actually be his girlfriend. So before you start letting your thoughts get away from you, remember that, y/n. But you couldn't help but let your thoughts run wild. Part of you was hopeful. Even at the height of your bickering, there were still feelings for him. Maybe it was the same for him too.

"Here," Kuroo said, handing you the strong drink and taking a seat a few feet away from you.

"So how do we start over?"

"I guess tell me about what you've been up to the last couple of years."

You talked to each other very normally, the drinks allowing you to loosen up enough to not feel self conscious around exah other. You mainly talked about school and work, trying not to talk about your ex unless Kuroo asked about him. Kuroo seemed to have the politeness to do the same, talking about his job at JVA and some fun times he had with the boys, not talking about any other girls.

You had been talking and laughing for over an hour when Violet and Kenma walked out of their room and into the living area. They looked over at both of you and smiled at each other.

"Wanna play Smash Bros?" Kenma asked.

"Fuck yeah!" You exclaimed a little too excitedly because of your drunkenness.

"Scooch," Violet said while plopping down next to you, shoving you closer to Kuroo in the process.

You saw Kenma on the other side of Kuroo doing the same. It resulted in you and Kuroo practically sitting on each other's laps because you were so close.

You became very aware at that moment of his body heat and his scent. His natural aroma mixed with the scent of cedarwood and tonka bean, creating a sweet and musky tone.

He looked down at you, obviously aware of how close you were sitting to each other. "Hey," he mouthed, barely uttering anything as he whispered it. You looked at his lips. Now keenly aware of how close they were to you.

You were about to say 'hey' back, when you heard a voice speak up.

"I call Peach," Violet said, as she scrolled through the characters.

"Fine," you said, "I'll be [your favorite character/yfc]."

"I always play as them," Kuroo said.

You shot him a look as if to tell him you weren't going to back down and he finally relented, "Fine, you can play as [yfc]"

As you played, you were getting very frustrated. Not only were you not playing well because you were drunk, but Kuroo was so much on top of you that you couldn't fight properly even if you tried.

"You suck," Kuroo joked.

"Fuck off."

"Awww, someone is pissy."

"Like you are any better," you said, pointing out that he wasn't doing well either.

"You both suck," Kenma said.

You both smiled at each other and without saying another word, started tag teaming Kenma, finally taking him down.

You dabbed Kuroo up before turning to Kenma and saying, "Who sucks now?"

"You only got lucky because you were together. Neither of you stand a chance alone."

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