Least Favorite Color

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That afternoon you had a shift at Starbucks with Violet. You chatted with each other for a bit about random stuff, before the topic of Kenma and Kuroo came up.

"So what was Kenma like in high school?" she asked.

"Quiet. He kept to himself mostly. Always had his nose in a game. Pretty much how he is now."

"Did he have a girlfriend?"

"I know there were a few girls interested in him, but he seemed to not really care much about getting with anyone. It was Tetsuro that was always surrounded by girls. Especially his last year there. They loved that he was captain of the volleyball team."

"Did you ever---?"

"No! I never. Well... I mean, I did have a huge crush on him for a couple of years, but we were really good friends and I was scared of ruining our friendship. And then his last year of high school, he turned into a douche and then I started dating my ex. And then Tetsuro and I weren't even friends anymore. That's when he started basically sleeping his way through the entire student body population."

"What made you start dating your ex?"

"I dunno. He just was persistent and was always leaving notes on my desk and in my locker. He followed me everywhere. Plus I finally gave up on Tetsuro because he just started acting weird. We used to have so much fun together, and then he just got quiet and awkward around me one day. It only got worse from there. We started constantly bickering. And then he just got mean. And I guess we are still in that stage. By the way, I think that fucker used my soap this morning."

"Your soap?"

"Yes! It smelled like my soap when he got out of the shower. But I checked and his soap was mostly full, so it wasn't like he needed to use my soap because it was an emergency."

"Uh, tell him not to use your soap?" Violet suggested.

"I should. I should send him a text right now. Do you have his line?"

"Yeah. I can give it to you."

did you use my soap this morning?

why would i use your soap when i have my own?

yeah okay, whatever. but in the future, don't use it.

yeah ok. fine.

° ° ° ° ° ° °

That night when you got home, the four of your sat down for a meal that Violet prepared. You looked over at Kuroo and saw that he was wearing a [your least favorite color/ylfc] shirt.

"Really? [ylfc]?" you questioned him.

"Oh, you dont like [ylfc]?" he said. "Must have slipped my mind."

You shot him a look, as if you tell him you knew that he was full of shit. But you dropped the conversation, instead choosing to talk to Kenma about the newest game he was playing. The rest of the meal was more civil, you and Kuroo managing to not get in each other's nerves too much.

"I'm going to shower and hit the sack," Kuroo announced after he finished his meal. "I had a long day at JVA*. We were shooting a video with Hinata and it took forever."

*Japan Volleyball Association

"How is Hinata, by the way?" Kenma asked.

"Still short," Kuroo joked before taking off in the direction of his room. "Night!"

"Night!" Kenma and Violet said in unison.

You just looked up at him wearing that stupid [ylfc] shirt and purposely said nothing as you stared at him. He just grinned at you, knowing that he had gotten under your skin.

After cleaning up the dishes, you spent a few hours playing games with Kenma and Violet, enjoying the company of at least two of your new roommates, before finally being too exhausted to play anymore. Plus it was getting frustrating to constantly be losing to Kenma. You trudged off to your room, before going into the bathroom to shower and finally wash your hair properly. That's when you noticed that even more of your soap was missing.

That stupid lying fucker! He used it again!

You wanted revenge. No. You needed revenge. You thought about it more as you finished showering and hatched a plan.

After drying off and getting dressed, you walked into the kitchen and dug in one of the cabinets until you found what you were looking for. Food dye.

Yes, you were going to have to ruin your own soap in the process. But it was a small price to pay. And luckily, you had an extra bottle in your room that you could use when you actually showered.

You snuck back into the bathroom and poured a large amount of the blue dye into the soap and mixed it in, making it blend in with the blue hues from the actual soap. Then you snuggled in and went to sleep for the night.

° ° ° ° ° °

You woke up the next morning to Kuroo barging into your room screaming. He was still wet, hair dripping down down his face, with the a towel hung loosely around his bottom half.

Then you noticed the blue. It was everywhere. His hands, his body, even parts of his face all had varying degrees of blue shades.

"What the hell?!" Kuroo screamed.

You couldn't help it. You just burst out laughing.

"Did you use my soap again?"

"You are fucking evil!"

"Well I told you to stop using it! It's not my fault you didn't listen!"

He stormed back into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him, and turned on the shower again. This time you could tell he was using his own soap as the smell wafted under the door. It was the same scent that he used to used in high school. Back when you had a crush on him still. You thought for a moment about those times, kind of sad that you were now so far past that point in your life.

You felt a little bad. Almost bad enough to apologize. Maybe I was being too harsh.

You wandered out into the kitchen to get breakfast and saw Violet and Kenma.

"What was all that ruckus about?" she asked.

"Tetsuro used my soap again."

Just then, Kuroo came out of his room. Most of the blue was now off of him, leaving only a slight tint on his skin. He was also dressed in head to toe [ylfc]. From his shoes, all the way up to a hat, which he normally never wore.

Your look soured. And Kuroo noticed it right away, shooting you a giant grin before saying, "Morning!"

And here I was, about to apologize. Not anymore.

You quickly grabbed a snack out of the fridge and walked back into your room, but not before overhearing Kenma and Violet talking to each other, "How much do you want to bet that they are together by the end of the month?"

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