5: KD-0079

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You, K' and Kula were sitting on a couch in a fancy red living room. On the other couch, is Sirzechs Lucifer.

Y/N: "And that's what happened."

Sirzechs: "I see." He turns to the other 2 strangers. "Now what's your name?"

K': "K'."

Y/N: "Wait. Kay.....dash?"

K': "I don't know my own name. I'm pretty sure I was kidnapped."

Sirzechs: "And that's how you obtained your ability to manipulate and create fire."

K': "Yeah, but only from my right hand."

The Devil Lord turns to the girl.

Kula: "Kula Diamond. I'm not like most girls. I'm pretty sure I was....created.....I dunno."

Y/N: From everything we gathered. K' was kidnapped at a young age alongside his older sister who he hasn't seen since. They also genetically engineered him with from a mythical being which resulted in his pyrokinetic abilities. Kula appeared to be an artificial human, or a homunculus of sorts, or a genetically engineered human, we don't know, she was apparently created in case a Test Subject like K' suddenly rebelled and needed to be executed, however, she herself rebelled with him.

K': "NESTS took everything from me. My past, my memories, my sister, and Maxima."

Y/N: "Maxima?"

K': "Yeah."



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K': "He was a cyborg who looked out for me. When we tried to rebel, he took an attack aimed at me, and.....died."

You didn't say anything.

Y/N: "I'll help you. I'll help you destroy the people who robbed you of those you care about."

K': "Huh?"

Y/N: "Look, what NESTS are doing is wrong. It's unforgivable. Those asshats won't get away with it. So help me destroy them!"

K' didn't know what to say. He was surprised that this stranger saved him, and that he wanted to help him destroy the very Cartel that stripped him of his identity.

K': "Alright. You better not be lying."

Y/N: "Wow, I like you already. I promise on my mother's grave that I'll help you stop them."

K': "Alright then."

They shake hands.

Y/N: "You better not betray me, or they'll be hell to pay." You put up a creepy smile, which slightly scared K'.

Kula: "Kula wants to join too!" ⬇️

Kula: "Kula wants to join too!" ⬇️

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They look at her.

Kula: "She saved us. Plus she seems nice."

Y/N: "Alright then. I've seen what you can do. 1, you have to join my Peerage and become Devils."

K': "Do I have tooooooo?" ⬇️

You suddenly got this familiar vibe from him

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You suddenly got this familiar vibe from him.

Y/N: "I'll let you be as lazy as you want except for when I call you."

K': "Deal."

That familiar vibe you got from him was pure laziness.

Kula: "Kula wants to try ice cream!"

Y/N: "Alright."

Kula: "Yay!"

Y/N: "2, I'm actually a boy."

Kula: "Huh?"

K': "H-How? Nothing about you screams male!"

Y/N: "Yeah, I get that a lot." You scratch the back of your head.

Sirzechs: "I'm assuming you wish for me to notify you if NESTS is on the move."

You nod.

Sirzechs: "Alright then."

After that, K' gets a Rook Piece, and Kula gets two of the Mutated Pawns.

<To be continued|


Sorry for the short chapter.

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