The Result

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It was after school I started to get ready and I was so nervous I got his phone number today and we were both texting like mad!

"What should I wear?" I thought to myself,

Then Mum came in holding a pretty new dress in her hands,

"OMG!"I exclaimed


"Of course you can!"Mum said confidently

I slipped it on and it was perfect for me! I got my hair and makeup done and finally, I was ready.

I was so excited but scared this was my first date! I got in the car and we went to the movies and we waited, Zachary's family was very rich so he was able to book us V.I.P seating, I was so excited it was my first time having anything to do with V.I.P it was awesome!

Finally, Zach got here

"Hey, Zach!" I said

"Hey Cassie" He replied,

"How are you?"
"Good thanks, how are you?" I said,

"Just happy I am here with you," He replied

'Ewwwwwwww.......' I thought, I mean that was kinda weird.

So in we went, we took our seats and our parents went down to their seats (that were not in V.I.P) I was so excited the ads began we both got excited, I put my arm down on the armrest, he did too but when he did he grabbed my hand he look over at me and stared for a few seconds and then looked away, it was like he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. I didn't think he would, the movie had only just started...

But then he turned around and kissed me!

After the movie, it was cold and windy and we all hurried to get back into the car. Once I got in I sighed. I was so relieved, and finally, we got home. I hugged Belle and went to sleep.

The next day at school I sat down next to Zach, we both didn't say anything and we hadn't since the date, it was like we were scared of each other... But then I thought no, we are friends so I said "Hi!"

"Hi Cass," he replied, "What are you doing today?"

"Nothing much." I replied, "I want to talk to you at lunch today ok?"

"Ok," he said but seemed a little worried.

So we went to the library at lunch and we talked,

"So... You know how we uhh... kissed? Does that mean that we are.... Together?" I asked him,

"Uh, I guess so," He replied

"And also Zach, why did you steal Maya's phone earlier in the term?" I asked him,

"Because I wanted to know where you were so that I could meet you and talk to you,"

It was so weird all this sweet talk was grossing me out! YUCK! Sometimes I just can't believe boys. Then again, I guess he was kinda cute. What am I saying! I couldn't do that to Maya. I can't believe I kissed him. That was the best but worst eight seconds of my life. What if I did like him.

That night I lay on my bed and waited for Mum to call me for dinner. Then I realised that I had never liked a boy before. Maya has, Amara has, Sarah has- even Dawn! I wish I was normal.

I sat at the dinner table and ate. Suddenly, I jumped and started sobbing. Dad jumped too;

"What is it, Sweetie?! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine Dad, it's okay," I replied in a chunky sort of way, my eyes still wet from my tears.

Mum took me to my bedroom. She said the cause was puberty but I knew that wasn't it. It was from Zach!

I told Mum about him.

"Goodness me! I remember my first boyfriend..." and she went on for like an hour and then brought me

Some cheesecake and made me a hot chocolate. After my cheesecake ( most of it, I don't like the cookie crumbs on the bottom) and hot chocolate, I went to bed and slept until eight. Wait eight! I was so late for school, what should I do?! I ran down to breakfast, grabbed the cold toast that was left on the table and ran to school. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! Mum is gonna be so mad, I thought, running down the driveway, one hand with toast and the other, my schoolbag.

I flew across the road to the bus stop. My bus was about to leave. Climbed on just in time to get to school. I glanced over to the back seat, and guess who was there, it was Zach! He'd never been on the bus. There were no seats left at the front so I had to sit at the back. Oh-no! The audition results are today and I hope I did well. We got to school and sat in our seats until I remembered that we were changing seats AGAIN! We changed seats and I was next to Dawn and Katelyn. She was the mean girl in the class. Ugh!

"Hey, there chimp!" She said

"Leave me alone Carrot!" I replied

"What, are you scared I am going to kick your butt!?" she sniggered

I didn't bother to reply I knew she was just trying to make me feel bad...

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