Part 6

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I woke up and got ready like usual and went to the bus outside when I got to school Miss Willow said

"Ok so we have another new student, his name is Zachary Orange!"

"WHAT!"Maya and I said in unison and we jumped out of our seats without realising.

"Maya, Cassie what are you doing?" Miss Willow said "Um... We wanted to greet Zachary Miss Willow" I turned to Zachary, "Welcome Zachary."

HOW I thought he wasn't allowed to go to school for like a month. I wonder how that happened, once I fully calmed down I was more interested to meet him properly. We had never really talked at dance school, so as Lunch came I started to walk up to him, we introduced ourselves. When I went to play with Maya and Amara on the web we have at school. I jumped over to one piece of the web someone stepped on my hands I was near the top I started to fall and screamed


I landed on my foot and the ambulance came, I said what happened and by then everyone had been taken into their classrooms.

I waited for the x-ray results to be done and my mother to come back from getting Amy from kindergarten as I waited mum came back after about 10 minutes the doctor came in and said in a deep voice to me

"Miss Evans, your ankle has been broken," I sighed, "We will have to give you either a boot or a cast for your ankle you choose"

"I want to ask my mother first," I mumbled through the pain

"Okay Miss Evans"

When my mother came I asked her which one and she said a boot because it's easier to walk in apparently it's her opinion, We told the doctors and on it went.

I was so upset on the first day of the new school term, after a week at home I came back to school and everyone was staring at my boot but Maya and Amara didn't. They were standing by me saying "CLEAR OUT!!!" they said in unison over and over again I felt good when they said it. I felt important and normal again.

When I went into my class everyone asked if I was ok or what happened and it started to annoy me so I just sat at my desk and read a book since I was so early. 

By the time class started, I had just ignored them all. Maya and Amara had been telling everyone to stop asking and it worked. Everyone in my class talked normally but at lunch, it got boring because I couldn't go on a lot of the equipment. But Maya and Amara both sat with me and Maya told Amara about Zachary. After that, we went to look for him. When we found him he started to walk off but Maya went and stepped in front of him,

"Hi, Zach! how are you?" She said in a sarcastic tone.

Amara and I walked over next, he looked at my boot but as soon as he looked up our eyes met and I realised he was kinda cute and we both just stared for about a split second but then the bell went and I walked fast and carefully to class.

It was time to change spots and this week Miss Willow was choosing and guess who was next to me, not Maya, Amara, Dawn or even Sarah! It was Zachary!!!!! When we sat down we got some time to talk to the person who we were next to.

"Hi," I mumbled to Zachary

"Hello," He replied

"Umm.... about the playground thing, I know we haven't known each other for that long but I like you." He said

"Uhh..... me too?"

"So uh..... Want to go to the movies later?"

"Sure!" I said willingly

But he didn't seem willing even though he asked and I didn't.

Later that night, I got ready for the movie and saw Zach's car pull up in front of my house. Zach looked up and saw me at my window. I realised then that I was only in a towel. I slipped my dress and shoes on as fast as I could and ran downstairs. Then I saw him arrive at the door. He knocked. I opened the door. He went red. Me too! I'd never felt like that before.

"Am I overdressed?" I asked as I twisted the edge of my sleeve.

"You truly are stunning, no lies." He went redder. We climbed into Zach's blue Pajero and talked about the movie.

If I could scream I would have. But I held it in. After the movie, Zach took me for ice cream. I had a double scoop of chocolate- caramel nut. It was delicious...

Writing Team's Note: We are still writing chapter 7, shouldn't take TOO long... LOL, and for some reason, we have written chapter 8 and on... Hope you ENJOY!

We are going to have a VOTE in the comments to continue the books and make it a series once we are done publishing the rest of the book aswell!

Bye!! :)

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