Short Introduction

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"I hear the ambulance going off and my vision is getting really burry, but all I want is him.."

Hi! I'm Amelia but you can call me Mia it doesn't really matter. Don't mind that part in the beginning that is for later in the story ;) .

I come from a normal family my parents are really nice, but sadly I was there only child. Or that's what I believed..

This story is about my life or well it all starts when I met him someone who is going to be important in this story more like important to me..

His POV: Hey I'm Theo, Theo Taylor! This is the story of my best-friend but she doesn't know I love her..

But my love for her only starts in the middle of this story.. I don't realize I love her till then.

Life changing things happen to me so buckle up and enjoy the ride! I'll see you again in the next chapter.

Authors Note:
Hey I'm sorry this one is short but I promise this is going to be the only short one ;) Alright I'll let you keep reading <3

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