"Promise me, Y/N. You will not go anywhere. Aizawa and Mic will take you to where Eri is, but you cannot engage in battle. You don't have your quirk and god forbid, you get hurt again."

His tone was vicious, but his words conducted what he is having trouble expressing.

The fear in his eyes was for her.

"Promise me!" His face was flushed and he gently shook her, "Say you won't-"

A hand clapped his shoulder. Izuku snapped his head back to see the grim face of Present Mic.

"Do not worry, Midoriya. We're not letting her anywhere. You need to go."

There was no one left in the commons. Izuku reluctantly released the girl and walked away, but not before shooting her a look of manic desperation, showing her just how serious he was about this.

Y/N shivered. Not because it was cold, but because she had never seen Izuku this way. His iron grip left a faint red mark on her shoulders and her eyes were watering.

If she wasn't scared before, she sure is now.

"Sensei?" she looked up to the blond teacher, "What happened?"

She watched carefully as her instructor's eyes narrowed and his mouth tightened.

"Eri is waiting! Let's walk faster!"

Diverting the question. Y/N hated people who do that. She never understood why people did it. What did it matter if she knew or not? Why would he purposefully try to keep something so crucial and important from her? Was it to prevent fear? Because they did such a good job by setting the alarms off like that. Was it also kept from the hero course students?

Of course, it couldn't be. UA wouldn't just allow mere children to charge into battle without knowing what they're dealing with.

Y/N didn't need to be protected. She needed answers.

She worries for Izuku just as much he worries for her, and Mic's refusal to cooperate isn't making her nerves go away.

"Y/N!" a high-pitched voice shouted. The girl looked down to see a blur of red ramming into her torso. Eri's little arms could barely wrap around her waist.

Aizawa's shadowy form appeared. His hands were gripping his scarf so tightly that his knuckles have begun turning white. Tailing him was a sturdy-looking male, with his electric blond hair hanging to his brow. His impatient eyes were a royal blue and his hands were clenched at his side.

"Togata, we've got to go. Watch Eri and Y/N for me," Aizawa said dismissively, eyes glowing a dangerous red, "They are not to go anywhere."

"Yes sir."

Aizawa brushed past Y/N and stormed out of the safe room, with Present Mic thundering after him.

Her eyes slid to Mirio, who offered a peaceful smile that didn't reach his eyes. His hand raised in a curt wave, "I wish we could've met some other way."


She said no more as she followed Mirio to a room layered by warm blankets and pillows. Several snacks were neatly arranged on beautiful plates and the tv was blaring with some children's show. Eri flopped onto a pillow and grabbed a caramel apple, "Mirio, do my hair."

The boy took a seat behind Eri and collected her silvery strands. Y/N nearly laughed at the fact that Mirio has several fluorescent hair elastics around his wrist, probably for this occasion.

"So they expect us to sit here and eat snacks while they're out fighting for their lives?"

Mirio paused and looked up at her, "I don't much like it either, but the most we can do without our quirks is to stay out of their way. We'd just be a burden."

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