★Small In Hospital - Sapnap

Start from the beginning

"Tay Karwie.." I slur softly, being most distracted by the calmness that has washed over me.

"If you guys wanna go get lunch or something.. I kinda.. need to change him and privacy?" Karl says softly and the others oh and nod as they stand up.

Soon they all leave and Karl tells me to lay flatly on the bed so he can change my underwear out for a diaper.

Once I'm changed, he hands me my paci and I put it in my mouth. I slowly suck on it as the others return with snacks.

Cause I have my own private room, I have a visitor limit of six so I'm not worried about them getting caught.

"Alright, you ready for some lunch Sapnap?" Nurse Charlotte says as she comes in to my room, pulling gloves and a mask on.

"Hi hi!" I exclaim, my words muffled from behind my pacifier. She looks confused for a second as she looks to me friends before her eyes widen and she pulls her mask down and shows her bright smile.

"Well hello little one, this is a lovely surprise.. I just came to make sure you have a nice nutritious lunch" she says as she comes over, still smiling.

"Oh.. Sappy you wanna tell the nice nurse how old you are?" Karl asks softly and I nod excitedly.

"I fwee! Nurse wady!" I exclaim with a giggle and she hums.

"I see, you must be really brave to be in hospital and so happy" she says and I nod excitedly. "Well, you can call me Charlotte or Char, okay? I'm just gonna sort this stuff out and then I'll come back in a bit to take your blood pressure and sugars" she explains and I nod.

"Tay.." I mumble softly, watching as she takes the old feeding bag away and fills a new one before hanging it up. I have my meals a whole lot smaller because I have a sensitive stomach which means they come and feed me more.

They also add vitamins and stuff in to the IV drip to keep all that lovely stuff up. It's all confusing to my young mind really. So many needles and syringes.

"Alright little one, is it okay if I lift this and check your stitches real quick?" Charlotte asks and I nod, laying back as she tells me to.

She slowly lifts the bottom of my hospital gown, peeling back the bandage that's covering my stitches from surgery!

"These look just fine sweetheart.. you're healing so well" Charlotte says and I giggle as her cold hands run over my stomach, checking how it feels.

She then pushes down in different areas of my abdomen. When she touches a certain spot, a sharp pain shoot through my bladder and stomach. I hiss and whine in pain.

"Are you having troubles going to use the bathroom, little man?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I cans go!" I exclaim before concentrating and letting my bladder drain.

An audible hissing sound fills the room along with a crinkle of the diaper as it turns slightly yellow whilst filling with me pee.

"Da, go potty" I say and he smiles softly.

"Okay bud, I'll change you in just a second okay?" Karl asks softly and I nod.

"So no problems going tinkle.. what about for a poop bud?" Charlotte asks softly and I shrug.

"Went dis mornin'!" I exclaim with a proud smile and she hums.

"That's very good.. everything seems to be healthy and fine, I'll come back in an hour or so for your blood pressure and sugars" Charlotte says softly before saying her goodbyes and leaving.

"We won't look" Bad says softly, covering his eyes as Dream focuses on his phone, Quackity pulls his hoodie strings tight so it's covering his face and George.. he's asleep.

"You really had to go panda.. it's bad to hold your bladder that long sweetheart" Karl says softly and i nod.

"Sowy da.. didn't means to howd for so wong.. just gots distwacted" I mumble our and Karl coos softly.

"That's okay bud.. let's get you out of the wet one and in to a dry one, yeah?" He asks and i nod enthusiastically.

Soon I'm changed and in a dry diaper, watching cartoon shows as I cuddle in to my stuff more and suckle on the pacifier that still rests peaceful between my lips.

"Da cuddwe.." I whine, making grabby hands towards him and he smiles before climbing on to the bed and gently moving so I'm being held against his chest.

"Comfy sweetheart?" He asks softly and I nod slowly.

I'm very thankful towards Dream for setting this all up. He's the bestest friend anyone could ask for!


Word count - 1372

Hello cubs, I hope you enjoyed this one shot and feel free to leave any requests in the comments!

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