"Something pretty. Like pink, or purple, maybe orange!" Nobara explains as she pulls up a list of colours, reading the descriptions of how they're meant to look like. Yuji turns to Megumi expectedly, but the other just shrugs.

"I don't know. I don't give it much thought." Megumi admits, and Yuji is intrigued by the boy's response.

"How come? Don't you want to fall in love and see colours too?" He asks, something in him stirs as Megumi just shrugs again.

"I don't know, who's to say it's even real. It doesn't logically make any sense." Megumi answers, the unsettling feeling in Yuji grows at his response.

"People have experienced it, Fushiguro. How else would people even know what colours are?" Yuji defends, his mind going to the stories and evidence from people who have experienced it. From meeting a stranger's eyes on the train, and the explosion of colours following after. Or to the colours gradually coming into someone's life as they realise they're slowly falling in love with someone.

"What made you so interested in it anyways, Itadori?" Nobara asks, interrupting Megumi before he can give an answer.

"I don't know, ever since I was a kid I've just always thought it was real, so I've always just wanted to fall and love. I also had a sensei when I was in grade school who told me all about it." Yuji confesses. I want to know what she meant, he thinks as he plays back the memory from his childhood.

"Your sky is green, Itadori." Says the teacher, the sound of her heels stopping in front of his desk.

"I'll paint a blue sky one day, sensei!" The boy exclaims happily, as he continues colouring. "When did you see your first colour, sensei?" Yuji asks as his feet dangle excitedly under his desk.

"When I saw my daughter for the first time." She answers honestly, and Yuji can feel the warmth from her smile.

"It - it wasn't Mister?" He asks, stunned. Yuji thinking about the man that came to class on Valentine's day with flowers, handing them off to his teacher as she smiled widely.

"No, Itadori. Some people - " she stops herself, "sometimes you meet someone, and you can love them to death, but they're not the ones that bring you colour."

"How is that possible?" Yuji asks stunned.

"I don't really know, Itadori. It just is. Some people just aren't lucky in that way." She explains, "some people even get their colours from someone, but they don't give colours to the other." She continues as she watches the boy's face turn from confused to distraught.

"What!? That's possible? Oh no!" Yuji cries, "is - is that why it wasn't Mister?"

"Mine wasn't romantic, Itadori. In some rare cases, it isn't. Some people get theirs from platonic or even storge relationships."

"Pla - platonic? Storage?" Yuji asks, confused with the new words.

"Friendship. Familial." She answers with a laugh at the confused boy, "it's a very confusing and loaded concept, Itadori. Not many people understand the true logistics behind it. It's just ultimately about someone that you love unconditionally. Someone that makes you, you." She explains, handing the boy a crayon as she walks away, the sound of her heels fading to the other side of the classroom.

Yuji doesn't understand what she means, but he holds onto the crayon that says 'Sky Blue.'

"That's so corny, Itadori." Nobara teases as she continues to play on her phone. The two bicker until they're forced to go back to training.

Yuji drags his feet back to his room when the day is over, letting his body flop against his bed. The exhaustion taking over as he feels himself slowly drift off, only to dart awake when he hears his door click open. He turns his attention towards the intruder and sees Megumi walking towards him.

Blue and then purple pink skies.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt