The brown eyed boy removed his hand from (Y/n)'s shoulder and went back to leaning on the railing. This time, he did so backwards so he could still be facing the smaller boy. "I just want you to know, that I don't think you did what everyone's saying you did" He said with a reassuring look. 

That look did nothing to reassure (Y/n). "What do you mean?" He asked. Now it was Lucas' turn to look confused. "The rumors" He answered, "Do you really not know about them?" 

"I'm a little.. out of the loop" (Y/n) said, "What are the rumors?" "Well, after the whole thing with Stella.. People started saying that," Lucas broke turned his gaze to the ground, "That you were the one who killed her".

(Y/n) felt his eyes widen. "People think that?" he asked. He was horrified at the own idea. (Y/n) wouldn't hurt a fly and people thought he could kill a person? And his best friend for that matter.

"Well.. Yes. I mean," (Y/n) couldn't help but notice that Lucas' tone changed slightly as he spoke, "You only ever hang out around her. You keep to yourself and no one knows that much about you. Then suddenly the person you interact with the most is killed. It doesn't exactly paint you in the best light".

As if he flipped a switch, Lucas' tone was replaced with his usual laidback one, "But those are just rumors. I don't actually believe them". (Y/n) --who was now very uncomfortable with their conversation-- nodded with wide eyes. 

Before either of them could say more, the bell rang. "We should talk more some time. It was fun" Lucas said, "Bye, (Y/n)". And just like that, (Y/n) was alone on the roof again; this time, with an uneasy feeling setting in his gut.


For a while there, (Y/n) had himself convinced that he'd be able to go the whole day without having to deal with Nate. Unfortunately for him, luck wasn't on his side. Then again, is luck ever on my side?

He had gathered his things and was on his way out of the school when he was pulled into an empty classroom. (Y/n) knew who it was before he turned to the person. He gave Nate a look that wasn't quite a glare, but it wasn't a nice look either.

(Y/n) skipped over the formalities and got right to the point. "Did you kill Stella" he worded it as a question, but it wasn't really. He was sure that in any other situation, he would've gone about asking Nate completely differently. 

But he wasn't thinking rationally.

Nate hesitated for a second. It was obvious that he wasn't expecting a question the second the two met. "I did" he said with no remorse in his voice. Tears once again pricked the corners of (Y/n)'s eyes. He was certain that he was right, but to actually hear it...

He was really just asking for the off chance that he was wrong. But since he's not...

(Y/n) balled up his fist and punched Nate in the jaw. The taller male stumbled a bit, trying to keep his balance after the blow.


Tears now streamed down (Y/n)'s face, but he glared through them. Nate regained his balance and slowly brought a hand to the place (Y/n) hit. Without a word, he scooped (Y/n) into his arms and cradled the struggling male against his chest. 

"LET GO OF ME!!" (Y/n) clawed and hit just about any part of Nate that he could reach, "LET Me.. L-let me go". The more tears that came, the harder it was to speak.

After several minutes of struggling and cursing Nate's name, (Y/n) gave up on escaping. He instead turned his attention to furiously rubbing his eyes, trying to stop the tears. "Y-you bastard" he muttered, "I really.. really..." 

Hate you..



A lilac haired man let out a sigh as he studied himself in the mirror. His roots were showing. As bothersome as it was, he knew he would have to dye it back eventually. "Though, I wasn't expecting it so soon..." he muttered.

He took one more glance before turning away from the mirror. He left the bathroom and went into the rest of his apartment. His nose scrunched slightly as an annoyingly flowery scent hit him. 

His most recent.. erm... company had on the most obnoxious perfume he'd ever smelled on a woman and it lingered on everything. On top of all of that, she was dreadfully boring, both in and out of bed. 

He grabbed his phone and cigarettes and stepped out onto his balcony. No sooner had he lit one and held it up to his lips, did his phone go off. "Oh, what now?" He complained with a sigh. His pout vanished when he saw who was calling.

He answered with a smile on his face. "Hey, babe" He chirped. "Don't 'hey babe' me" the voice on the other end hissed. "Fine, fine, fine" The lilac haired male said before starting over, "Greetings, oh great man I fu--" "Not the point" 

"You know I'd only call if it was an emergency" the voice said. The man could hear the tiredness in the other's voice which caused his smile to grow even more. The man on the other end of the call was his favorite toy to play with. 

"I'm so glad you called. I'm actually having a bit of an emergency myself. See, I just had the worst sex in my entire li--" "I'm not here to talk about your sad sex life" 

"Oh, please. If this is sad, then I feel bad for everyone else" he said, flipping his hair as if the other male could see him. "It's about your brother" The voice said. The smile that had once been prominent on the lilac haired male's face made itself scarce. 

"I'll be there in a week" he said in a serious tone. If what his brother did was bad enough to tell him about it, then it must've been bad. He would've left immediately, but he had some business to take care of before he left the city.

After he ended the call, he put his cigarette back in his mouth and took in another breath of smoke. His phone went off again. He opened the messages to see an article about a dead girl.

"This is just sad" he said with no emotion, "I thought I taught you better than this".

"Mother would be so disappointed"

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