Final Chapter (A Perfect Outcome of a Perfect Future)

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(Y/N) Pov. 7 years later

I was in a room filled with computers as I look at a camera from someone's view, I change the lenses to a heat signature setting to see two body figures about to leave as a extremely large one was sitting in the room with multiple ones so I clicked on near my ear and was speaking through a earpiece

(Y/N):Ren hold your position I see him trying to leave, get to cover

Ren:(earpiece) Got it

I looked at one of the cameras on my teammate to see Ren crouching behind a corner as he try not to get exposed, I watch someone kicked the door open and walked out holding a woman by a gun point. I watch him move where he was close to Ren's position, so not wanting to blow his cover I contact someone else

(Y/N):Lloyd make your move get him to focus on you

Lloyd:(earpiece)On it

Lloyd kicked down a door and pointed his gun at the man as he turn around and glared at him

Lloyd:(camera view) Hands up, now let the woman go and we can end this peacefully

Criminal:(camera view)Never you puke of a soldier! Now till we get what we want!

I switch the camera on Lloyd to see that the man was far away from the room he enter as he slowly back away and was focus on Lloyd

(Y/N):Ok Whitney he's out, far enough from the room. Now go in

Whitney:(earpiece) Alright

I switch the camera view on Whitney's view to see him slowly and quietly entering the room to see multiple hostages tied up, Whitney brought his hand up probably in a way of saying stay quiet. I watch him go to the lived bomb and was defusing it, I looked over to the other camera views to see Ren and Lloyd still near the man

Ren:(earpiece) (Y/N) have you defused the bomb yet?

(Y/N):I can't the bomb with the hostages has to be defused manually, besides you should ask Whitney that

Ren:(earpiece) No not that bomb idiot the other small one, the one the guy is wearing and the one in the basement you still didn't defuse

(Y/N):Give me a couple seconds

I typed the code in the computer I'm on quickly as I can, after I hacked the bombs the criminal was wearing it turn green as I chuckled in success and the small drone Lloyd had in his body went down to the cracks of the pile of rubble in the basement and cut the red wire

(Y/N):Got it, the last two bombs are disarmed. Take him down

Ren:(earpiece) With pleasure

I look at Ren's camera to see he was slowly getting close to the guy and with a clean chop near the neck he was knocked down as he let go of the woman and dropped the gun, Ren cuff the criminal and Lloyd did his best to support the woman. I look at Whitney's view to see that he disarmed the bomb, he got up and pull a knife out to free the hostages that are tied up

Ren:(earpiece) Suspect taken down

Lloyd:(earpiece) Human shield free

Whitney:(earpiece) Bomb defused and other hostages free, all that's left is the boss

(Y/N):Give me a second

I got up from the chair and pull out a sniper rifle as I set it up to see the final suspect on the roof holding a detonator or rather a disarmed one at that, I focus on his neck and pulled the trigger as he held his the small sleep dart I shot and with the last strength he had push the button down but nothing happen. He has a sleepy confuse face as I smile in relief and he pass out on the roof, I put the sniper down and contact my team

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