The Only Ones: Chapter One

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Chapter One:

I opened one eye cautiously and listened to make sure nobody was near the old, remodeled Volkswagen Van that I lived in. Yea, I'm a 17 year old girl living in an abandoned car in the alley behind Jerry's Automobile Repair, I know it is weird. But whatever, I heard nothing so I sat up and pulled on one of my 5 pairs of jeans, one of my many band tees, and my ratty old converse. As I did this I wrinkled my nose in distaste and reminded myself to go to the Laundromat after school. I set off to walk 3 miles to the only school in Likestown, Washington left with only my thoughts as company. As usual my thoughts were centered on the music that was blaring in my ears through the I phone I had stolen last month, today that music happened to be Saviour by Black Veil Brides. I guess you could say that if I were still alive it would be because of this band. But they came into my life a little too late to save me from myself.


I lay on the dirt covered street outside of the house of the only person who ever understood who I was. Now he is dead. As though I hadn't slept for days I weakly dragged myself away from the only home I had ever known before anyone saw me and threw false accusations. I ended up at a downtown pawn shop and before I knew it I had bought a razor blade with what little money I had. I then, as if on autopilot, trekked to the only place in Likestown that I wanted to be. Anywhere but the house. I don't know where I was but my wrists were bleeding and I loved it. Then everything went black.

End of Flashback

I kept walking and glancing at the scars on my wrists. I finally got to school and was encountered by the group of 'scene' girls. They wanted to introduce me to the girl that I had never seen before I guessed. I was correct. She came up to me and, in an overly bubbly voice chirped "Hey, my name's Jennifer. What is yours?" She ended in a suspicious tone now that she'd seen the scars. So I replied "My name is Faye," I held up my middle finger" and F*ck you. "I walked away leaving them all with befuddled looks on their faces. When will they ever learn that I am not and will never be one of them? Maybe the only music I will tolerate is rock and maybe I am infatuated with the color black but I am NOT scene.

I walked into the main building and a path instantly cleared for me, I snickered quietly to myself. Everyone who dared to meet my inexplicably red eyes practically cowered away from me. I opened my locker, that I had spray painted black with intricate floral designs, only to reveal one college rule notebook. I stuffed the homework I didn't do into the locker grabbed the note book and slammed it shut. I don't know why I even go to school anymore. As I turned around I collided with my best friend Rose who then collided with our other best friend Kelly. That was really weird since none of us are ever this clumsy. The reason being we are the only ones we know of left of our kind. Vampires.

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There is a picure of Faye played by the lovely Haley Rose (Kopcho) to the side, she may look innocent but shes fierce (in reality and my story)...... VOMMENT

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