Knife and A Kiss

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"Boss your brother Alex is on line 1" Ralph said. I groaned and looked away from the computer. I grabbed the telephone.

"What Alex" I asked into the phone.

"So I heard about you blowing up the school or whatever. And shot Gill" Alex said.

"Yeah and what about it" I asked.

"Gills is still alive, he joined the vapor gang" Alex said.

"God damnit" I yelled and threw the stack of papers onto the floor.

"Do you want me to come over" Alex asked. I groaned.

"Fine" I said. We said are good byes.

"J....j...Jason" Justin stuttered threw the double doorway. I sighed and calmed down a little.

"Are you okay" he asked me. I nodded. He started to walk to me. When he got close enough I grabbed his waist and made him sit on my lap. I than proceed to work.

"Jasey, I'm bored" Justin said from my lap . I quickly noticed the nickname and also that he was slowly opening up to me. I looked up from the blue prints and went on my computer and started the Netflix bookmark. I hit play on sponge bob and went back to work.

"Patrick" Justin said while bouncing up and down excitedly. Why dose he keep on doing that. I really tried to focus on my work.

"Jason, we went threw Justin backpack and the only thing we found was a rag and old teddy bear. Do you want us to throw them away" Jacob asked while holding the blanket that looked like a rag and a old teddy bear with a missing eye.

"Baba" Justin cheered while reaching for the things. Oh god he's so adorable.

"Give them to Justin" I said. Jacob nodded and gave them to Justin and left while closing the doors. Justin hugged the things and went back to watching spongebob. I sighed. I swear on my parents grave if someone interrupts me I will personally kill the I thought in my head trying to control my anger.

"Jason" "boss" different voices yelled and threw open the doors.

"Evan and Cody are making sex noises right across my room" Rose yelled.

"Well Rose, you make sex noises with Ben all the time" Evan yelled.

" yeah but we don't actually move the bed and make it hit it against the wall. How hard are you pushing into Cody" Rose yelled.

"Oh you want to know about our sex life. Well heres a fact. I like to fuck Cody really hard" Evan yelled while thrusting his body so it looked like he was fucking someone

"That's just disgusting" Rose screamed at him. Rose took out a knife from her bra and flung it at him. Evan quickly ducked and before I could think the knife his Justin in the chest. Thank god it wasn't that sharp.

"Ow, Jasey" Justin said as he looked at the knife. I looked at Evan and Rise and saw they where still fighting.

"Shut the fuck up" I yelled. They quickly turned to me and saw the knife.

"Oh god, sorry Justin" they said at the same time. They might hate each other but they are still twins. Yes they are twins.

"Get Jessica in here now" I said. They nodded and left.

"Dose it hurt" I asked him. He shook his head yes making his hair flop. He looked up into my blue eyes. While I looked at his beautiful brown eyes and did something a straight man would never do I kissed him.

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