"Die well my friend."

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Second of all y'all are gonna get mad at me for this...

The store

Y/n POV:

"A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which he ingested too much of a certain substance. He was dead for two minutes, but..." Simon explained as he grabbed a bunch of pills from the back. As he said the last part he drummed his hands on the counter.

"we got him back!" Simon finished excitedly for some reason.

"Kate... time for your close up." Deena said.

Simon began forming and explaining each pile. I wasnt listening. I was too busy focusing on all the stuff in the store, oh no wait it was actually FIGURING OUT HOW TO NOT DIE TONIGHT.

I zoned back in when I heard kate speak. "How many of these do we have?" She asked holding up a handful of EpiPens.

"Tons, like a thousand." I said even though I knew she wasnt asking me.

"Wait. EpiPens?" Deena asked a bit skeptically.

"Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline." Simon said.

"This is what brings her back." I said jumping into the conversation again. I could help it I was just so nervous.

"This is Jesus!" Simon yelled.

"Ah yes! All hail the EpiPens!" I said laughing as I bowed.


"You know if you want you can just leave." Simon said as he helped smear Sam's blood in the shape of an X on my chest.

"If you're staying I'm staying." I sighed nervously as I began to paint the X on his chest.

"Remember half an hour ago, when you guys wanted to murder me? You dont have to do this. You can leave." Sam asked as she walked up to Kate, Simon, and I.

"Remember when you decided to sacrifice yourself for us? We're ending this together." Kate replied. Uh it's not really a sacrifice if it needs to happen, but um I'll go along with it.

"Die well my friend." Simon said putting his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way.

"We got back door patrol." Simon said as he grabbed Josh.

"What no! I dont want to not go with you!" I said frowning as I pulled him into a tight hug as my eyes began to water a little.

"I know, but you might be safer out here instead of in the back." He said sadly as he let me go.

"Once this is all over I'll take you on a date okay?"

"Okay." I mumbled quietly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Reluctantly I walked off with Kate. She stopped Josh just before he walked away with Simon.
Before Josh could say anything Kate pulled him into a kiss.


Me and Kate were walking down the aisles. She had put hairspray into the cart. We heard Sam and Deena start screaming not too far away.

"Stay here I'll be back." Kate said.

"No bu-" I started, but she ran off before i could say anything.

"Go! Go! Go!" I heard Kate yell in the distance. When I finally got there I saw my brot- skull mask, flailing his arms around as he was lit on fire.

"Come on!" I said as I yanked her hand and pulled her somewhere. We were crouched down behind something.

Kate peeked behind the corner and gasped as she quickly turned back around.

"What! What is it!?" I whisper yelled at her.

"Sk-skull mask." She whispered back.

"Is he still there!?"

"Hold on I'll check!"

Based on the confused look on her face, I'm gonna assume he wasn't there anymore.

Before either of us could speak Kate was pulled up by her hair. I grabbed a cupcake pan and put it in front of her, preventing him from stabbing her at that moment.

That action bought us some time. We fell to the ground, bumping into a bread slicer, turning it on by accident.

I was able to get up quicker than Kate and moved out of the way. I desperately reached out for her hand as Skull Mask held her by her ankle. He got better grip on her and smashed her face into a cake that was nearby.

I dont know what was wrong with me, I couldnt move. Just like how it was during the mall incident. I wanted to move so badly. I wanted to go get help, or just run up and help her myself, but I couldnt.

"NO!" Kate let out a heart shattering, blood curdling scream.

Tears began falling as I stayed mentally glued to the ground. Why, why was I just standing there as my best friend is being murdered by my brother?

He spun her around and plunged his knife into her stomach. Another heart wrenching scream.

She kicked him off. "NO! NO! NO!" The girl desperately screamed trying to fight of her attacker off.

He laid her on top of the bread slicer table as she struggled.

"NO! NO!" She screamed on the top of her lungs as she faught desperately for her life. And then nothing.

Just then Simon and Josh had ran over. I began walking to Simon with tears filling my eyes.

And then the worst possible thing that could've happened, happened. The sweet boy I had loved for most of my life was gone. The nightwing killer had swung his axe, landing it in Simon's head.

"No!" I said as I dropped to my knees next to his dead and bloody body.

"No you cant die. You were supposed to take me on a date after this." I choked out a sob as I held his lifeless hand.

"Y/n come on!" Josh yelled grabbing my hand as he let tears fall out as he took one last glance over to Kate's body.

"I dont want to..." I mumbled

"What no come on!"

"NO JOSH I SAID I DONT WANT TO LEAVE!" I screamed as I yanked my hand out of his grasp and ran in the opposite direction.

I ran to skull mask. I let him take his knife and stab it into me. I reached for the mask and pulled it down.

"I miss you Ryan." I whispered looking into his eyes for one last time.




Word Count: 1066

Dreams (Fear Street)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora