"lets undisturb it!"

344 12 10

In the woods

Y/n POV:

We all got out of the ambulance and walked towards Peter's crashed car

Same started to reenact what had happened after the crash. She began crawling on the floor. She reached her hand down under the dirt?

"I feel something." She stated as she pulled some chains up?

"Chains?" I questioned as everyone looked at them in confusion.

"Not just chains." Simon said with obvious worry in his voice.

We all turned to him wondering what he was talking about. "What do you mean 'not just chains'?" Kate said looking at him.

He was kneeling on the ground as he shone his flashlight on something.

"What is that?" I asked the concern rising.

"Okay this is so fucked up!" Kate yelled as the realization hit that it was a human skull.

Josh began digging under the ground so he could investigate more.

"Fier." Josh said as he held something in his hands.

"What?" Deena said as she turned to her little brother.

"Fier." He repeated looking up at us.

"This is her grave." Josh stated.

"No! This is bad! This is so bad!" Simon yelled freaking out.

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us. Sam disturbed her grave!" Kate spoke, glaring at Sam.

"Wait! If the witch is upset that we disturbed her grave let's undisturb it!" Simon exclaimed.

"That is so stupid!"
"That's genius!" Deena and josh yelled at the same time.

"Y-yeah in poltergeist-" Simon stuttered out.

"Whatever just do it quickly! Me and josh will keep watch" I yelled interrupting him as i pulled Josh up.

We were standing in front of the other a little bit as we looked into the woods.


"Did you hear that?" Josh asked me.

"Uh yeah." I said as if it was obvious, I tried to not sound rude but I feel like it did come off that way.

"Guys I think there someone out there!" Josh yelled at them, concern lacing his voice. He didnt turn around and kept his eyes in the direction of the noise when he spoke.

No one acknowledged the younger boy's comment.

"Hello!? I really dont think this is safe!" I shouted finally turning around.

"We're sorry." Simon softly said as he pat the ground where Sarah Fier is buried.

"What the hell is patting the ground gonna do?!" I screamed, finally getting their attention.

"Well I dont know but it's better than nothing!" Simon yelled back.

"GUYS!" Josh screamed as loud as he could as the camp nightwing killer came and swung his axe at us.

Simon got up from the ground and grabbed my hand, yanking me to the ambulance.


Word count: 449

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