Chapter 12 - The Love

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Mizuki P.O.V.

We are all sitting at the hotel lounge, together with the woman that called 'Rin'. She was part of Bonten family before she left 3 years ago after she got married to someone else, someone other than Sanzu. She was the reason Sanzu fell into despair after she's gone, because she was his muse, the love of his life.

I've heard this story many times before and now after seeing her with my own eyes, I finally understand why Sanzu was so attracted to her. She is beautiful. The way she walks, the way she talks, almost everything she does is mesmerizing.

With just one single glance, I know that I'm nothing compare to her and it hurts me more than I thought I would.

"Let's talk about Hotaru now."

I smile when Rin starts the topic about me.

"Don't you dare to pick on her, Rin."

Rindou is squinting at her.

"To think that someone like Rindou is shielding you, I'm impressed, girl."

Rin chuckles.

"So you became the Bonten's executive after picked by Mikey himself. You also managed to tame the Haitani's, as well as the others. I've heard that even Sanzu is obsessed with you. I'm really curious how you did all that."

Rin leans forwards as if she's studying me from her seat.

"It's because she's adorable and kind. She's hard working too, unlike someone who's totally opposite from her."

Ran words making Rin raises her eyebrows.

"Really, Ran? Is that how I am in your eyes?"

Rin punches his shoulder, making Ran chuckles.

"I just never thought a sensei would mingle with people like us."

Rin leans back to the couch, doesn't seem like she's going to stop the topic on me.

"I'm no longer a teacher. But even teachers are just normal human beings. They're facing the same ups and downs in life. As for my case, let's just say I'm lucky. It's my blessing to be able to get to know all of you."

I smile after gulping down my drink.

"But it doesn't matter what kind of people we are. All of us deserve to be treated the same. We are as equal as one and another."

I add.

Koko comes over and gives me a quick hug.

"I love that point of view, as expected from Hotaru, isn't it?"

"Don't attack her, Rin. Hotaru really works hard to reach the top, you know."

Takeomi smiles at me when I look at him.

"Or maybe she can just sleep her way to the top."

Rin smirks, makes the others frown at her.

"Is that what you did?"

Mochi and Kaku spill their drink when hearing that from me, while Rindou and Ran laughing out loud, almost deafening the whole hotel lounge.

"Aww, that burns!"

Rindou shouts, seem happy with this situation.

"Rin, can't you just stop picking fight with everyone you just met?"

Koko snarls at her.

"Hey. Isn't she's the one picking fight with me? I'm just kidding anyway."

Rin laughs.

One In A Million StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora