Chapter Four - The Offer

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Mizuki P.O.V.

It's been few days since the incident that involved my step father. I've been checking my phone as frequently as I can, in case anyone contacts me regarding this matter.

"Hoshiko sensei, is there any problem? You seem distracted these few days."

Iida sensei asks when he notices.

"Thank you for your concern, Iida sensei. Everything is fine."

I politely answer him when I get up from my chair.

"Okay, take care then."

He says and leaves the office.

I follow after making sure I have turn off the light as I'm the last person leaving office today. I walk up to the front gate when I see Sanzu, leaning against a car, waving at me.

"Hello, sensei."

He greets me when I walk up to him.

"Did anything happen?"

I ask, obviously feeling concern but he just smiles.

"Let's find somewhere else to talk, shall we?"

He opens the passenger's seat door and invites me in.

I can see some of our students looking at us curiously so I get on the car without saying anything else.

"I have both good news and bad news."

Sanzu says when we are on the road.

"First, where are we going? I still need to go to my part time job."

I ask without looking at him.

"Well, that's the bad news."

He chuckles while looking at my direction.

"We are going to see my boss so you can't go anywhere."

He continues.

"What? Why?"

I ask again.

"Somehow this case caught my boss attention."

He replies.

We both go silent before he speaks again.

"The good news is your father-"

"Step father."

I correct him.

"Your step father is still alive."

I still can't decide whether it's a good news or bad news for me.

"So, what is your boss wants to do with me?"

I ask again.

I think it is better that I focus on myself first instead of thinking for others.

He stops his car at one of the tall building.

"Listen. Mikey, my boss, always has his own ways dealing with things. So we never knew exactly what's on his mind."

Sanzu leans closer and stares me.

"From what I heard, he wants you to do something for him. If that's the case or whatever the case is, just agree with it."

"What? What is exactly that I can do for him?"

I try to ask further but he opens his car's door.

"We don't have much time. Let's go."


I protest when he steps outside of the car.

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